Potenza Picena, in the car with a baseball bat: two reported – Picchio News

Chronicle Potenza Picena

Potenza Picena, in a car with a baseball bat: two reported

In Potenza Picena, following a road traffic check, the soldiers deferred in a state of freedom, to the Macerata public prosecutor’s office, two people for abusive port of objects capable of offending, as following a personal and vehicle search in use, a baseball bat was found. Furthermore, one of the two was also reported for theft of things subject to seizure, as the caretaker of the car in use since it was subjected to administrative seizure. The car will now be confiscated.

Within the province of Macerata, a total of 989 people and 600 vehicles were checked; 35 penalties were imposed on the highway code, mainly for the failure to use seat belts, for the use of mobile phones while driving and for irregular speed.

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