Sports and leisure activities are making a comeback in Boucherville

Sports and recreation enthusiasts will be happy to learn that the activities offered by the City of Boucherville are starting again this fall while taking into account the context of COVID-19. On the menu, various courses such as aquafitness or learning to swim at the Laurie-Eve-Cormier aquatic complex, badminton at De Mortagne high school or tennis at Pierre-Laporte Park and other varied sports. offered every week are accessible for the pleasure of those who like to move and stay active. Full details regarding online or in-person registration procedures as well as pricing are available by consulting the Recreation Program section at the link
Still in sports activities, other courses are on the city’s program: sports apnea, senior hockey, the Multisport formula, scuba diving, tennis and the training room. It should be noted that the application of the principles of physical distancing and of all the recommendations of the Direction de la santé publique and the Gouvernement du Québec will be respected.
Citizens who wish to register for one or other of the activities must, as always, be holders of the Accès-Boucherville card.

Cultural programming
Cultural activities occupy a prominent place in the city’s cultural program. The Galerie Jean-Letarte, located at the Café center d’art, is already hosting the Échevelures de Susan St-Laurent exhibition. Next week, Galerie Vincent-d’Indy will reopen its doors after several months, presenting recent works by painter Claude Chartier.
Several other activities will allow you to have fun and enrich your culture over the coming months since the menu will be very diverse. Here are some proposals in this direction.
Online conference on Russian architecture in St. Petersburg on October 5.
Comico humor evenings with emerging or established comedians on October 11, November 23 and 24 at the Francine-Gadbois Multifunctional Center.
Conference offered online October 19 on the evolution of African-American music during the 1940s and 1950s.
Conference broadcast live on the Internet on October 26 on the city of Berlin, a Mecca of beauty and art.
Concert by Marie Neige Lavigne and her group Manela on October 29 at the multifunctional center.
Online lecture November 2 on the Dark Sides of Renaissance in Western Europe.
Folk and classical music recital with singer Simon Beaudry and virtuoso pianist Philippe Prud’homme on November 26 at the multifunctional center.
Laurence-Anne show broadcast live on the Internet on December 3.
Online conference on the painter Marc Chagall on December 14.
The complete program can be found at, at and at


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