The Chamber of Commerce will collaborate in the dissemination of the Badminton World Cup Huelva 2021

The president of the Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation of Huelva, Daniel Toscano, and the president of the Spanish Badminton Federation (FESBA), Andoni Arzumendi, have signed a collaboration agreement between both entities with a view to dissemination of the Badminton World Cup Huelva 2021. An act that has been chaired by the mayor of Huelva, Gabriel Cruz.

The local councilor has highlighted “the involvement and unity of the entire Huelva society at an event that is a source of pride for our city and through which we are going to project the image of Huelva throughout the world and demonstrate our organizational capacity.”

Cruz has highlighted “the willingness of the Chamber of Commerce of Huelva to collaborate in the organization and development of the World Championships by participating in the dissemination of a sporting event that will be an opportunity to promote the capital and the province.”

The Huelva Chamber of Commerce has made a commitment with the National Badminton Federation to contribute to the dissemination of an event declared by the Government, due to its dimension and importance for our country, as an “Event of Exceptional Public Interest”.


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