Wall: Except Harden wants to leave the team, everything else is fine in the Rockets

Original title: Wall: Except Harden wants to leave the team, everything else is fine in the Rockets

On January 26, Beijing time, the Rockets will face the Wizards tomorrow, and Wall will face the old club for the first time after being traded.

Since at the beginning of the season, Harden hoped that the Rockets would trade him with two years left on the contract and he was late at training camp, everyone paid little or no attention to basketball itself.

But in addition to the chaos of the previous few weeks, Wall said he still enjoys spending time with his new teammates.

“Except that Harden didn’t come to the training camp and he didn’t want to stay in the Rockets, everything else is very good.” Wall said in an interview with the US media, “The most important thing is that we can’t control what he wants to do. For a team, you need to understand that they want to deal with problems in their own way.”

“I think this is the most difficult thing, because we are still trying to unite the team.” Wall said, “My mentality is that I just came back after two years of not playing games, I am trying to make everything heavy. Get back on track. I think we can become a very special team. At this point in time, leadership is an important factor. Without a great leader, your team might sink a bit. I believe I am on the court. All have the ability to unite the team.”

The Rockets’ current record is 6 wins and 9 losses, ranking 12th in the West.Return to Sohu to see more


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