[Taiwan Ultimate Badminton]Penghu becomes the third breeding ground of “Mythical Bird” in the world (photo)_Jianyang News

Published: 2021-02-01 05:01:48 Number of read: 999 Author: Kai Rui

There are no more than 50 “Mythical Birds” black-billed terns in the world. They were found on Jishanyu Island in the Penghu County Nature Reserve in Taiwan in June, making the local area the third confirmed black-billed tern in the world. Breeding grounds of terns. According to reports, the black-billed crested tern is extremely rare and is classified as a “critically endangered” bird species in the world. It has almost disappeared from human vision for more than 60 years.The uninhabited island of the Penghu County Nature Reserve in Taiwan was first launched in 2012

The discoverer Zheng Qianxun, the investigation team leader of the Wild Bird Society of Penghu County, said that although the black-billed crested tern was photographed on the middle island of the Matsu Islands, although there were only 12, it was the largest group of Taiwanese badmintons found on record.

There are no more than 50 “Mythical Birds” black-billed terns in the world. They were found on Jishanyu Island in the Penghu County Nature Reserve in Taiwan in June, making the local area the third confirmed black-billed tern in the world. Breeding grounds of terns.

According to reports, the black-billed crested tern is extremely rare and is classified as a “critically endangered” bird species in the world. It has almost disappeared from human vision for more than 60 years.

An uninhabited island in the Penghu County Nature Reserve in Taiwan was first discovered in 2012. Last year and this year, it was discovered again in pairs on Jishan Island in Penghu and began to breed. It is clear that it has steadily reproduced in Penghu ecology.

According to reports, Penghu has also become the third confirmed breeding site for black-billed crested terns in the world. The other two are in Jiushan County, Zhejiang Province, and Matsu Region, Lianjiang County, Taiwan.

The Penghu County Agriculture and Fisheries Bureau pointed out that the black-billed crested tern was discovered in June, but due to ecological conservation considerations, it has been too late to make public announcements, for fear that people would be curious to land on the island and destroy the ecological habitat.

The Penghu Agriculture and Fisheries Bureau emphasized that anyone who wants to enter or exit the nature reserve or wildlife sanctuary must apply for a permit from the Penghu County Government Agriculture and Fisheries Bureau. It is illegal to land on the island as Taiwan’s extreme badminton.

Regarding Chen Zhizhong’s possible election as a “legislator,” Ou Huiling, the head of the DPP, said that if Chen Zhizhong and the DPP nominated the incumbent “legislator” Guo Wencheng to stand for the election at the same time, the green camp vote will inevitably split.

The “Regulations on the Recognition and Enforcement of Taiwan Civil Judgments” and the “Regulations on the Recognition and Enforcement of Taiwan Arbitration Awards” will come into effect on July 1. Their promulgation has expanded the scope of civil judgments and arbitration awards of Taiwanese courts applying for recognition and enforcement, the principle of priority of acceptance has become clearer, and procedural remedies have increased. This also means that since the signing of the “Agreement on Joint Action against Crimes and Mutual Legal Assistance across the Taiwan Straits” in 2009, the business exchanges and cooperation between the judicial authorities on both sides of the Straits have taken a step forward.

The heroes on the battlefield back then are now inconvenient and gray-haired, but they are still impassioned when they remember the pride of the battlefield. Shen Dianjia, who was born in Shandong, said that when someone in the village killed a Japanese, the whole village was avenged by the Japanese army and set on fire. At the age of 22, he was married and the child in his wife was about to be born. He still followed the men in the village resolutely. Join the war together and leave home.

And the stubborn little boy that year has grown up, he cares and loves his girl carefully: on her birthday, he personally made roses for her sweet smile; she likes small balls, so he gives her Painted small balls; he told her on the phone that he didn’t have time to go to Taiwan, but on her birthday “ran into” on the streets of Taiwan…

Tsai Ing-wen and the media talked about tea on the 3rd. Since the day before, he stated for the first time that he did not rule out contact with the mainland, the focus was on this topic.

The police and firefighters rushed to the scene and found that the driver’s belly was still stuck with the steering wheel, and a large hole was cut open. The organs were exposed and died. Chen Wenya lay on the ground and groaned. Zhang Fengxiong was trapped in the right front seat and died in front of the hospital. Chen Weiqing and Wu Zixuan died. He was severely injured, no breathing and heartbeat before arriving at the hospital, and died of first aid. Chen Wenya was in stable condition after multiple fracture operations.

The article pointed out that with the expansion of cross-strait exchanges, young people on both sides of the strait are also presenting touching love stories, but they are facing real problems of this kind, making this love more poignant and helpless, so Taiwanese must be more open-minded Heart to accept the mainland friends encountered in life and give sincere blessings and encouragement.

The police said that at 11:30 the night before yesterday, a 51-year-old man surnamed Lin walked into the police station with a strong drunk spirit and said to the policeman on duty “I want a drink test” and “I came from the head”; the police felt a bit abrupt. I wondered how someone would be so stupid that they would take the initiative to request an alcohol test at the police station after drunk driving.

The heroes on the battlefield back then are now inconvenient and gray-haired, but they are still impassioned when they remember the pride of the battlefield. Shen Dianjia, who was born in Shandong, said that when someone in the village killed a Japanese, the whole village was avenged by the Japanese army and set on fire. At the age of 22, he was married and the child in his wife was about to be born. He still followed the men in the village resolutely. Join the war together and leave home.

The owner of a noodle shop in Zhongzheng District, Taipei City heard this and said: “I am very disappointed with Taiwan’s extreme badminton.” I hope CNPC can directly reduce the gas price, otherwise barreled gas is still too expensive for small businesses to afford.

On June 18, the State Council promulgated the revised “Administrative Measures for Chinese Citizens Traveling to and from the Taiwan Region”, which stipulates that Taiwan compatriots are exempted from endorsement when traveling to and from the mainland, which will be implemented on July 1.

Yuanta Baohua Institute of Comprehensive Economics released its latest forecast on the 28th, revising the estimated value of Taiwan’s economic growth rate this year to 2.4%. The agency stated that the global economy is at the “end of the economic cycle.” Although the estimated value of Taiwan’s economic growth rate this year has been revised upwards, the performance of each quarter is getting lower and lower. The estimated values ​​are 2.89%, 2.87%, 2.07%, 1.86%.

During the Spring Festival day and night, playing cards, surfing the Internet, the end of the day and night carnival, is the first day of work was thought to paint “smoky makeup” to work.

He emphasized that “unfair justice is one of the things most people hate.” What he did today is for this.

The factors affecting the rise of the CCI index include not only the timing of investment in stocks and the optimistic view of the island’s economy, the rising index also includes the public’s “opportunity to purchase durable goods”, “family economic conditions” and “job opportunities on the island”. Both have risen significantly.

Good news finally came in 2014. Relevant departments of the Taiwan authorities passed the preliminary review of amendments to certain provisions of the “Regulations on Cross-Strait People’s Relations.” In the future, mainland students who study in Taiwan can participate in the island’s health insurance. The draft amendments were subsequently passed by the “Internal Affairs Committee of the Legislative Yuan,” and it was only a matter of voting in the court meeting and customs clearance as soon as possible.

According to Taiwan’s “Lianhe Evening News”, the Shuguo New Milan Vegetable Restaurant, which uses fresh fruits and vegetables as its dishes, has become more and more popular among young people in recent years, and it is no longer a patent for the elderly to eat vegetarian food. The five-color fruits and vegetables are matched with a unique blend of sauces to enhance the flavor, creating a different taste for each dish. The visually colorful, it will not make people feel like eating grass like eating grass.

In the case of the fat man who added artificial flavors to fraudulent money, the prosecution determined that the former Dong Zuo Zhuang Hongming was suspected of being illegal, but because he confessed frankly after committing the crime, and assisted the prosecutor to clarify the case, the prosecution was ordered to postpone; In addition to Xu Yajun, Gene International’s chairman Xu Xunping, Xu’s wife Jiang Lifen, and artist Xiao S’s father-in-law Xu Qingxiang conspired to sell a large number of shares before the news of the fat man’s loss was exposed to avoid risk losses. Among them, Xu Xunping and his wife evaded a total of 12.32 million yuan, and Xu Qingxiang evaded 6.57 million yuan and were prosecuted together. As Xu Xunping confessed during the investigation and took the initiative to hand in the proceeds of crime, the prosecution requested the court to reduce his sentence in future sentencing.

“Please save my son!” After arriving at Xiuchuan Hospital, Zhou knelt and begged the doctor to find a way to rescue his son, but the 6-year-old boy had no signs of life before he arrived at the hospital due to massive bleeding in his chest. Originally, he wanted to go to the tree garden to enjoy the parent-child life with his children, but it caused an irreversible tragedy. Zhou was extremely self-blame and cried bitterly when he received the warning.

Taiwan’s National Taiwan University Hospital suffered an AIDS organ transplant failure. Taiwan’s “Health Department” asked the Taipei City and Tainan City Health Bureau to issue a fine of NT$150,000 to the two hospitals at National Taiwan University and National Chengchi University. However, Tainan City Health Director Lin Shengzhe said that it has not yet In the investigation, the “Health Department” issued the highest fine, and the circumstances were different and the practice was unreasonable.

Ke Fen said that at present, Teresa Teng’s cultural relics are mainly photos and records collected by the school. Many of them are donated free of charge by alumni and Deng fans from all over the country. Recently, the school has just received out-of-print vinyl records sent from Singapore, which moved the school. In the future, it will be considered to be included in the collection of the Luzhou Love Hometown Association. As a collection and distribution center of Teresa Teng’s cultural relics, it will be more interesting.

Mrs. Wu was very sad looking at the empty jewelry box. She thought of the pair of watches she bought with her husband, but now she only has the one in her hand. Even if the three hateful thieves can’t catch it for a while, they still Publish the image of the thief at the door of the apartment, hoping to remind neighbors that next time you are near your home, even if you encounter a stranger with a generous attitude, you must be alert. Regarding Chen Shuibian’s son Chen Zhizhong’s announcement of his candidacy for the “Legislative Committee” of the 9th constituency of Kaohsiung City, the DPP nominee Guo Wencheng of the same district stated in a press release on the morning of the 1st that “do your part, and there is no room for concession”, regardless of the electoral situation in the constituency. The huge impact and change are all rushing forward with the original intention. He said that even though this electoral district is greener than blue, “no matter how big the green camp is, it cannot withstand division.”

Ma Ying-jeou originally arranged to visit the grassroots in Yilan and Hsinchu with artist Brigitte Lin on the 27th and Leehom Wang on the 31st. However, due to the impact of the “Southern Madu” typhoon, they have been cancelled. Li Jiafei, spokesperson for Ma Ying-jeou’s re-election office “Taiwan Cheer Up”, said that Ma Ying-jeou has paid tribute to Lin Qingxia and Wang Leehom, and that the other party also understands Ma’s concern about the storm. Therefore, both expressed their understanding.

He was very happy about the visa exemption for Taiwan compatriots who had just opened: “I have been looking forward to this policy for a long time. When I came to the mainland in the 1980s, it was too troublesome. In recent years, convenient customs clearance measures have been continuously introduced. Until today, Taiwan compatriots Visa-free travel to and from the mainland has finally been implemented. This year I came to the mainland to participate in a family gathering, and I will often return to the mainland to see my relatives here.”

Many Taiwanese netizens have expressed dissatisfaction and indignation because the “marks of merit” painted on the fighter planes on display were obliterated.

The police said that at 11:30 the night before yesterday, a 51-year-old man surnamed Lin walked into the police station with a strong drunk spirit and said to the policeman on duty “I want a drink test” and “I came from the head”; the police felt a bit abrupt. I wondered how someone would be so stupid that they would take the initiative to request an alcohol test at the police station after drunk driving.


Mouth end


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A netizen from Panzhihua said:Comment time: 2021-02-01

Life can be wandering, it can be lonely, but the soul must be dependent.Reply

A netizen from Haimen said:Comment time: 2021-02-01

Many people say that love is just a heartbeat, and a heartbeat is not a love, but only when the heart is set.Reply

A netizen from Qionghai said:Comment time: 2021-02-01

The happiest thing in the world is to find someone who likes your true face. No matter if you are bad-tempered, good-tempered, ugly, beautiful, handsome, or any other weird look, he will think that even if you put a p on it, it is fragrant.Reply

A netizen from Wuhu said:Comment time: 2021-02-01

My life is numb, and I no longer look forward to scenery. Fate cannot be chosen by oneself, the rope of life is in the hands of others, and ups and downs cannot be balanced by oneself. Women are born tragedy.Reply

A netizen from Gongzhuling said:Comment time: 2021-02-01

Life is always full of challenges of this or that kind. If you are not strong, no one will help you share it; if you don’t work hard, no one will make way for you. If you are not confident, no one will be brave for you.Reply

A netizen from Linyi said:Comment time: 2021-01-31

In fact, the most regrettable thing is that I have never felt the feeling of being firmly chosen by others. He just happens to need it, you just happen to be there.Reply

A netizen from Xiangtan said:Comment time: 2021-01-31

The effort of most people is so low that it is impossible to fight for talent. It was said that there was a survey experiment, and asked: If the mathematics is not good, can I learn computer program processing and other things well? As a result, more than 70% of the candidates could not. Then a professor summed up this sentence.Reply

A netizen from Taixing said:Comment time: 2021-01-31

Women take a step back, men take two steps back. A person who knows how to love would rather play a loser than defeat his lover. After defeating her or him, what do you want? True love, you must know how to give in.Reply

A netizen from Zibo said:Comment time: 2021-01-30

Some people died at the age of 25 and were buried only at the age of 75. Did we live 365 days or 1 day? Repeated 364 times.Reply

A netizen from Cixi said:Comment time: 2021-01-30

If we want to make friends, we must first do something for others, things that require time, physical strength, consideration, and dedication.Reply



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