Pradines. The resumption of indoor badminton

That’s it, the long-awaited moment has arrived. Since Wednesday, May 19, the young badists of the Pradines club have been able to return to the sports hall of Pradines. Thirty-two young people were present from this first day of recovery (twelve “minibads” and chicks and twenty teenagers) and were able to find coach and playmates while respecting the protocol dictated by the French Badminton Federation.

In addition, the Pradines Badminton club was chosen as a support club by the Occitanie Badminton League to produce a live video to illustrate this recovery among young people.

The club hopes to find all of its 80 young licensees as soon as possible, while awaiting the turn of the adults from Wednesday, June 9.

Find all the information on the recovery, the protocol and the schedules on the club’s Facebook page.


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