Andrea Resca, a great return to Bologna Basket 2016

The Rossoblu’s first transfer market hit is the point guard who successfully played for the Bolognese team in the last season of C Gold

Sometimes they come back. The first move in for the next Serie B championship Bologna Basket 2016 it is in fact the engagement of Andrea Resca, former player of the Bolognese team in the 2019-20 season.

During that championship of C Gold, Resca had become the protagonist scoring 138 points in 15 games, with an average of 9.2 points and a “best game” of 22, and leading the team in assists. Then the forced break from the lockdown and the recovery from some physical ailments kept him still last season, even if in March he had resumed training and getting back in shape with the Bolognese team. Now he has fully recovered and the company has decided to make him part of the big family of BB2016.

Resca, a director born in 1993 of 185 cm in height, grew up in the youth academies of Olimpia Milano. Stopped in the 2016/17 championship for study reasons (he brilliantly graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Management), then played in 2017/18 in C Gold at Fiorenzuola, scoring 174 points in 24 games, with an average of 7.2 per match and a ‘top score’ of 14. He had passed the previous championships to Serie B at Oleggio Magic Basket. In the 2015/16 season he averaged 12.2 points in 23 games and in the following season he averaged 11 points in 25 games. He also boasts experiences in Omegna (A2 Silver series) and with Urania Milano.

Andrea is an elegant and reasoning player, with excellent tactical wisdom, who knows how to make the team play and is able to manage rhythms and patterns, not disdaining the basket when necessary.

“I thank the club for this opportunity to play again in the cadet series – said Resca – I can’t wait to get back on the pitch to help my teammates. I believe I can put my experience at the service of the team and support the many young people of BB2016 in their phase of technical and mental growth “.

“Andrea is a very welcome return – commented the president of Bologna Basket 2016, Rossano Guerri – In 2019 he played excellently with us. Then last year with the pandemic there was no way to continue the relationship, but we never lost sight of each other, so much so that he came to train with our team to regain form. He is an important player and we respect him, we are sure he will be able to make an important contribution in the coming season ”.

A warm welcome to Andrea from the club, the technical staff and the other players for a new happy and winning season.


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