Baseball / Division 1. The Cometz react well

The Cometz (D1) received the Nice Cavigal at Cometzfield for the third day of the French championship. After their defeats against La Rochelle and Montpellier the previous weeks, the public, again, came in large numbers and expected a reaction from their favorites.

The first match got off to a good start as the locals took the 1-0 advantage at the start of the fourth round following a fine triple from Victorien Roze, a local team member. Until the 8th round, the defense of the Cometz manages to control the threat of the visitors under the impetus of their small Japanese pitcher. Unfortunately, they will reverse the steam and manage to equalize and then take the advantage. All does not seem lost when the Cometz, during the final round, manage to fill the bases but without materializing. Defeat again to bitter 2-1.

The revolt has sounded

During the second meeting, it is the hour of revolt. Thomas Joyce hits an Inside the Park, a powerful shot in the field that allows him to circle the field. Metz leads 2-0. He later sends a ball that allows him to make a triple. The Messins are freed and widen the gap 4 to 0.

On the mound, Dan Amidon, who throws for the first time for the Messins, does the job in a particular but effective style of three-quarter pitches (throws to the side: halfway to the submarine throw, from below and the classic throw). The Niçois did not say their last word and scored twice before the Cometz added a final point. Victory 5-2. Next trip to Clermont-Ferrand.


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