Foot PSG – PSG: Neymar and Mbappé disgust the Parisians in training

Teammate of Neymar and Kylian Mbappé at Paris Saint-Germain, Leandro Paredes said he was impressed by the qualities of the two stars.

Often described as Neymar’s bodyguard, Leandro Paredes is perhaps the Brazilian’s biggest admirer in the Paris Saint-Germain dressing room. The midfielder, beyond his friendship with the number 10, also appreciates his qualities on the pitch. Starting with his ability to overcome pressure, regardless of the importance of the meeting.

Neymar without pressure

« I like his way of playing, of living football, entrusted the Argentinian daily Ole. Looks like he’s playing with his friends every day. It’s incredible. With the responsibility to be who he is, to play for such a big club, the fact that he has fun the way he does, that’s something I admire a lot. And when Neymar is entertained at Camp des Loges, we imagine that his teammates are sometimes ridiculed. This also applies to striker Kylian Mbappé, impregnable in speed.

« As a player I think he looks more like Cristiano (Ronaldo), he’s more of an athlete, compared Leandro Paredes. He is physically incredible. I think Ney and Leo (Messi) have a different talent than Cristiano and Kylian, but they are incredible physically. To this must also be added their quality. If someone dares to do the speed exercises with him? No, except when he does them at 50%. When it starts up it is in the air. It’s impressive. In reality, right-back Alessandro Florenzi loves to challenge Kylian Mbappé.

Mbappé unplayable in speed

But as the international tricolor recently told France Football magazine, the Italian has never managed to compete. “ During the speed exercises, Florenzi would sit with me all the time and say: “If I manage to be right behind you it will mean that during the match the attacker will not pass me.” Problem is, he was never right behind me “Laughed Kylian Mbappé, who should find faster defenders against him during the Euro.


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