Marc Marquez Falls in MotoGP Catalunya 2021, Fights Because of Mocking Valentino Rossi Again? : Okezone Sports

MARC Marquez fell in the 2021 Catalunya MotoGP race which was held on Sunday (6/6/2021) night WIB. When bulldozing the eighth lap, the six-time world champion in the MotoGP class fell at the 10th corner!

Actually Marc Marquez tried to get up. However, the iron horse was damaged so that the 28-year-old rider could not continue the race.

Now the question is, did Marc Marquez fall because of the effect of mocking Valentino Rossi (Petronas Yamaha SRT) again? Marc Marquez issued a satire on the completion of the 2021 Catalunya MotoGP Qualification which was held on Saturday, June 5, 2021 evening WIB.

The Baby Alien – Marquez’s nickname – said that starting from position 11 or 13 in the 2021 Catalunya MotoGP was the same, considering that they both started the race from the middle row. For your information, Marc Marquez starts from position 13, while Valentino Rossi from ladder 11 MotoGP Catalunya 2021.

“I’m not too disappointed not to qualify for Qualifier II. Because, it’s the same as starting from position 13 or 11,” said Marc Marquez quoting from Crash, Sunday (6/6/2021).

READ ALSO: 2021 MotoGP standings after the Catalunya GP: Fabio Quartararo is being chased by Johann Zarco

Marc Marquez also briefly satirized Valentino Rossi last week, precisely before going down at the 2021 Italian MotoGP. At that time, Marc Marquez admitted that he would retire from MotoGP if he didn’t win races like Valentino Rossi (Rossi last won in the 2017 Dutch MotoGP).

“His approach is amazing, after everything he has achieved. Rossi still wants to race, but we have a different mentality,” Marc Marquez quoted Crash as saying.

Marc Marquez

“When I can no longer win or fight to win, I will retire. I didn’t race to finish 15th,” continued Marc Marquez.

Actually, Marc Marquez who satirized Valentino Rossi had not yet gotten positive results in MotoGP 2021. In the first five races of MotoGP 2021, Marc Marquez never competed on the winning track.

Let alone winning, just finishing on the podium Marc Marquez couldn’t do it. Marc Marquez in a row only finished seventh in the Portuguese MotoGP, nine (Spanish MotoGP) and failed to finish (French MotoGP, Italian MotoGP and 2021 Catalunya MotoGP).

Referring to Marc Marquez’s speech above, will The Baby Alien retire from MotoGP later this year?


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