No agreement between Messi and Barça for the renewal of his contract, according to the SER

In the surroundings of Barcelona it was trusted that this Thursday, the day on which Messi turned 34, the renewal of the Argentine star would have been announced. However, that announcement did not occur, and Manu Carreño has explained in ‘El Larguero’, from Cadena Ser, the reason. “There is no agreement between Messi and Barça,” he said. “There is no lack of Messi’s signature, we need to reach an agreement,” added Carreño.

However, the director of ‘El Larguero’ was optimistic with the possibility that Messi will end up signing his renewal: “The intention of the two parties is to reach an agreement, but at this moment there is not. You don’t just have to talk about money. Messi is going to accept a pay cut, but there are a few things in Messi’s contract that there is no agreement on. Some points are missing for that agreement to be reached and the contract signed ”. And he reiterated that “today there is no agreement.”

On Tuesday it began to be rumored that the Argentine’s response to the proposal that Barcelona presented to him before going to the Copa América will be positive, But prudence is requested from both parties in this regard, although neither side denies that the bases of the agreement are very close. They talk about details to be specified, technical, fiscal and legal issues, especially in what refers to the form of payment and the duration of the contract to be able to stay within the salary limit set by LaLiga, but pessimistic messages are sent from nowhere .


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