Pascal Poirier, icon of the Judo-club of Condé-en-Normandie, retires

Pascal Poirier can legitimately believe that he has accomplished a very good job within the Condé-en-Normandie judo club which took its independence about eight years ago. He started judo in 1981 and worked his way up to a black belt 1is dan in 1987 then 2e dan in 1989. He then became club leader in 1991 before obtaining his state certificate as a sports educator 1is degree in 1994 then, in 2003, he obtained his FFJDA first degree state patent. He even obtained the State Youth Diploma in Popular Education and Sport in 2012. He teaches every Wednesday from 2:30 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. and Friday from 5:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.

A lot of satisfaction

He made his decision in 2019, “ decision that I postponed until after the health crisis. I announced it last January at the club. I started teaching in 1991. I had 115 to 125 students each year in judo and taïso, a section that is my baby since I created it eleven years ago. Among the judokas, ten won their first and second dan black belts. Some have even gone as far as national ”. After Amélie Choyer, there is now Amélie Perray who enters the national pole in September. “And many have gone to regional, all categories combined. These results have been obtained thanks to the training sessions followed, during the activities and the obtaining of podiums, it puts the judokas in conditions and in confidence. On a daily basis, what motivated me were the results of the young people because I am a competitor at heart. I have always accompanied my students during competitions. “

A well-deserved retirement

Pascal Poirier had the honor and the joy of welcoming Frédéric Demontfaucon in February 2015, an Olympic champion. “I have fond memories of it. He came to the club and was also present during the evening of the Condeans trophies ”.

Retired for two years, he will now devote himself fully to his loved ones. “I’m going to enjoy my family, move around and go see judo championships in France. He also has another passion which is walking on the Grande Randonnée paths ”.



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