Real Madrid | Florentino: “It is not normal that we all lose money and Ceferin raises his salary”

Florentine Pérez He spoke again about the Superliga in his interview with Joseph Ramon from the Brunette on The transistor from Then Zero. The president of the competition once again defended the project as the salvation of football. “We have been working for two years, twelve teams, in a format that makes something that is dying, football, you’re losing interest, don’t. Audiences are dropping because most parties have no interest. If there is no audience, audiovisual rights go down, “he argued.

He explained that it is not a closed league, but that the main thing for televisions to buy the games is that the teams that form it have many fans. “We said that those with the most fans had to be there. Who do you think you buy the television rights? How many followers do Liverpool or Juventus have? We are not going to like everyone. You have to organize everything. What I can tell you is that it is not closed and that the leagues remain the same. It is a league that the only objective that has is that they buy it “, commented.

Regarding a possible punishment from UEFA or FIFA, Florentino was clear. “Everything we have had we have earned. English teams were coerced by FIFA. They signed something that they should not have signed, because they are committed to the Super League. They already wanted to sanction them and the courts have told them no“He said.” We go to the judge, who made his car. And he said you couldn’t play the Super League. UEFA cannot do anything about people or clubs. From there, it changes. It has already stopped. Now, the Luxembourg court shall decide. We have asked that these coercions that have been made to the English be withdrawn, “he added.

He also harshly attacked the UEFA president, Alexander Ceferin, for his money management in the midst of the coronavirus economic crisis. “I haven’t spoken to him again. They want to keep their privileges and the fans don’t want to. It cannot be that we all lose money and Ceferin raises his salary. There are people who have privileges and want to keep them while football dies, “he criticized.

He also spoke of Javier Tebas, another of his ‘enemies’ in the creation of the Super League. The president of LaLiga assured that Madrid had managed their accounts very well. “He said this because I said that football was dying. He said it to say ‘well, Madrid did very well …’. Madrid have suffered two very hard years. We had to enter 900 and we are going to enter 600. We have had a deterioration in two years of 500 million. The generosity of the players has made it possible to finish in a satisfactory situation. I didn’t think I would have to tell the players that they had to get off the ground“, expressed Florentino.


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