Review: Mario Golf Super Rush – Bored on the Golf Course? Not with Mario and his friends

Originally started as a plumber, Nintendo’s mascot Super Mario has developed into a real sports talent over the years. Be it the Olympic Games, tennis, soccer, baseball or even basketball, no sport is safe from him. The Italian star does not even stop at golf, which has always been considered a quiet and hobby of the rich. It’s hard to believe, but it was the golf that started it all. February 21, 1987 marks the origin of Mario Sport games on the Family Computer Disk System. The foundation stone was laid back then with Mario Open Golf and soon, more than 34 years later, another offshoot can be welcomed. Mario Golf: Super Rush is its title and lets you pick up your golf club again on Nintendo Switch. How and if the whole thing worked, we’ll tell you in our review.

Goodbye on the golf course

It’s been seven years since we welcomed Mario to Mario Golf: World Tour on Nintendo 3DS. With Mario Golf: Super Rush, Nintendo proves impressively that this sport has not been given up for a long time. With sixteen iconic characters from the Mario universe and your Mii, things really get down to business. Well-known warriors like Wario or Bowser are also Pauline or the football chuck on the field. Each of the characters has different status values. Your strengths and weaknesses are defined from strength to endurance, running speed, control and spin.

Even Pauline is part of the party and is slowly becoming a fan favorite.

Even special shots are available, some of which are unique, but identical golf types have to share one. But that doesn’t detract from the atmosphere, because the action is very important here. The field of participants is clear and leaves little to be desired. Still, we would have liked to see bigger differences in the status values ​​in order to provide a little more tactics. Because a Mario with a stroke range of 201 m does not make much difference to a Bowser with 208 m.

Goodbye to boredom! Every hole is fought here

Before we go into the individual game modes, let’s first look at the game principle. Up to four players can choose to duel alternately or at the same time on one track. Each of the six different courses has a total of eighteen holes. Of course, these do not all have to be played, but depending on availability, three, six or nine rounds can also be played. The order can also be determined by chance, which always creates surprises. Last but not least, you determine the wind strength and decide whether special shots are allowed before you get down to business. At the beginning only the rookie course is available. You will only unlock further routes if you play several matches.

These varied courses need to be played extensively.

Variety is definitely provided! Be it the idyllic pastures of Grünbüschel or the mountainous terrain of Schroffstein. The dry deserts of Dünenwell or the stormy weather forest. Even the Bowser volcano literally makes gaming hell for you. Nevertheless, it could very well have been two or three more routes, like in a classic Mario adventure. Speaking of adventure!

The two primary game modes are solo match and adventure mode. At this point, however, we will deal with the former. There a distinction is first made in the type of game, starting with standard golf. Here the number of strokes required or the holes won decides who will be victorious in the end. Here you come into contact with terms like par, bogey or birdie. Exact previous knowledge is not necessary, because the game always helps you out. Starting with the selection of the club, wherever the best possible iron is suggested to you. Your golf bag contains up to fourteen clubs, which are used depending on the surface. Finally, once you have made a choice, you need to define the strength of your strike.

Before each game, the controls are briefly explained again.

A bar fills here, which of course should be stopped at the desired width. If you decide to swing with full force, you may have to expect a random change in the trajectory. This is then balanced out with the following bar, where the spin can be defined but does not have to be. Here, at the end of the day, the level differs between professional and beginner. Another game mode is action-packed speed golf. There you have to sprint to your ball yourself after teeing off. You not only avoid numerous obstacles, but also your fellow players. Each character has a special run with which you can push away your opponents. With coins on the route, your special shots, which are an important aid, also fill up faster. In advance you define whether in the end only speed counts or also the number of hits.

In speed golf, strokes and time are added together.

But no matter which variant you choose, it will be fast-paced and exciting! The same applies to the battle mode, where there are only nine holes in total. Whoever gets hold of three of them first wins. But it should be noted that these disappear once the first one has holed. In this mode a distinction is made between two courses. A simple terrain for good strategists and a complex parkour for players with good technique. The action countdown adds flavor here. Here, for example, bombs rain from the sky after a predefined time. So you see, golf can be so exciting too!

There are nine flags in battle golf – whoever collects three first wins.

Take the throne with your Mii

As mentioned at the beginning, there is also the adventure mode in addition to the individual match. In it you embody your Mii, who wants to climb the stony path to Olympus Golf. As so often, you start small, which is why you start in Grünbüschel together with three other students. This serves as a tutorial and introduces you step by step to all the important mechanics. Practice courses are followed by challenges with which you qualify for tournaments. If you cut a good figure there, you can travel to the next area. The better you do on the golf course, the more experience points you earn for your Mii. For each level up you have to invest one skill point in your own status values. So you can easily plan your playing style in order to achieve the desired success.

You have to conquer this map in Adventure Mode.

The idea behind this story mode is not bad in and of itself, but it still has twists and turns. The mini-areas are lively, but offer little motivation to explore. The approachable supporting characters have had a few anecdotes in store, but you won’t find anything like side missions in vain. Instead, you are sent from one course to the next, all of which are not so easy for the initially weak Mii. At least the coins that can be spent in the shop are used sensibly here. There you can buy better clubs or new clothes and shoes that increase your attributes. Because only those who train diligently and pay attention to such details will be spared from coarser moments of frustration.

The commentators are always there with the right slogans.

Fun with friends

With the exception of the adventure mode, all game variants can be played with up to four friends locally or online. However, it should be noted here: Depending on the mode, only two players can work on a console at the same time. This is because if you want to play at the same time, the screen is divided into two parts. Four of you are only allowed to start in standard mode, provided you have chosen the relevant variant beforehand. In practice, however, that didn’t do any harm, because even two people can have a lot of fun with Mario Golf: Super Rush.

This is partly due to the demanding AI opponents, whose level of difficulty cannot be adjusted. Although these are often bad, they regularly show strong performances. Especially in the speed variants you have to be very careful, because the CPU is not to be trifled with. This means that even single players get their money’s worth. There is no concern here that everyone will eventually hit the wall.

The multiplayer mode works perfectly, even if two players are at the start at the same time.

Let’s dedicate ourselves to last but not least, probably the most important advantage of the switch. In terms of controls, you always have the choice before the start of a match whether you want to play with button or motion controls. During our review, the movement via Joy-Con worked flawlessly. Nevertheless, it must be mentioned here that playing with keys is clearly ahead in terms of precision. Nevertheless, as in the days of Wii Sports, you manage to convey an authentic feeling in your living room at home. Provided you have plenty of space at home, of course.


Mario Golf: Super Rush is a successful continuation of the sports series. The new game modes ensure a large portion of games, fun and excitement. This makes it easier to get over the fact that Nintendo is leaving a lot of potential in Adventure Mode. Even that is quickly forgotten when you start with friends in multiplayer. Getting started is easy, but the battle for victory is all the greater.

Solo rating


+ The controls are very easy to learn

+ Extensive selection of players with different attributes

+ The new game modes are a huge asset

+ Unbeatable in multiplayer, whether for two or up to four

+ Six different courses with eighteen holes each, …


– … where two more routes would not have hurt

– Difference in status values ​​between the characters is a bit too low

– The adventure mode falls by the wayside narrative

Mario Golf: Super Rush will be available exclusively for Nintendo Switch on June 25, 2021.

During our review, we did not see any bugs that would have impaired the gaming experience.


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