Rumors grow about the possible retirement of Carlos Tevez

When the focus of Mundo Boca seemed to be on the transfer market while the squad is licensed until June 18, versions that indicate that Carlos Tevez is seriously analyzing his future at the club broke the calm of the holidays and put everyone on alert .

The Apache was one of the figures who participated in the first Showmatch program of 2021. There, along with José María Listorti and Diego Pérez, he participated in the well-known sketch of “El unbearable” and gave hints about what his future could become, once he was away from Boca.

On that occasion, Carlitos confessed that he was about to start the technical director course, at the same time that he dismissed the possibility of launching himself in any candidacy in Boca: “I don’t think about that, I think about playing and enjoying.”

Likewise, regarding his relationship with Juan Román Riquelme, who had friction in the past, the forward said he had left everything behind: “I get along very well. What happened, we already solved it at the time.”

After the entire Boca campus began recess, the Apache organized a vacation abroad with his family. There, Carlos will share his days with his family, since one of the points that exhausted him the most was the fact of not being able to be close to them as he wanted, due to how intense the season was.

Then, the decision about your future can be communicated in two ways. The first, from his social networks, something he has used in the past to deny versions of his retirement. The second, calling a press conference, something that would make us think more about retirement than continuity.

Regardless of how you communicate your decision, the truth is that to confirm your retirement, you must execute the early termination clause of the contract in order to say goodbye to football, at least as a player.

The absence of fans on the courts and not being able to feel the affection of the fans at La Bombonera Sunday to Sunday also made a dent in Carlitos. Everything indicates that the return of the fans to the stadiums is very far and that is another factor that affects Tevez in terms of his desire to be day by day.

For now, Tevez has a vacation scheduled with his family to clear his mind and rethink his future. He has not yet communicated with the Football Council or with the coaching staff, although it is known that the link between the attacker and the leadership leadership commanded by Juan Román Riquelme is not the best. The latter would also be another factor that would come into play when the player makes his final decision.

Specifically, Apache has a contract until December 2021 with an early exit clause in June. Precisely this clause would be the one that the forward could execute to put an end to his career.

Although an announcement from the forward is expected in the coming days to give details regarding his continuity, the truth is that the death of his father left him visibly affected in recent months. In the midst of that personal pain, Carlitos had to face a semester full of matches that left him physically and mentally on the edge.



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