Sent 174 years ago: red Mauritius stamp auctioned for 8.1 million euros – Panorama – Gesellschaft

The so-called Rote Mauritius, one of the most famous and rarest postage stamps in the world, was auctioned in Ludwigsburg for 8.1 million euros. According to the auction house, the new owner is a German-speaking collector from Europe.

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The copy with the title “1847 Mauritius 1d Ball Cover” was offered by a private owner on Saturday morning for a starting price of four million euros. According to the auction house, the historically valuable envelope with the stamp only changes hands every few decades. A total of three interested parties had raised their hopes when bidding on the phone.

The Red Mauritius was the first to pay the postage for sending invitations to a costume ball. Three of the envelopes are said to have survived. “Queen Elisabeth II has one of the“ Ball Covers ”in her philately collection,” said auctioneer Christoph Gärtner. Another copy is in the Philatelic Collection of the British Library in London. “Both can never be sold.” The third cover still in existence is now privately owned.

According to his own words, the previous owner parted with the rare stamp with a heavy heart. “I enjoyed every second of the prestigious Mauritius Ball Cover from 1847 and felt that it was now time to pass it on to someone who is just as passionate and proud to own it,” the auction house quoted from one before the auction Greetings from the man. (dpa)


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