the discovery of a bone and a basketball continues to fuel the mystery

In the small village of Crots, located in the heart of the Boscodon forest in the Hautes-Alpes, a certain psychosis has set in following the disappearances.

Accident, suicide, bad meeting … What could have become of those who are commonly called “the missing of Boscodon“? Three women and a man, having in common to have ventured into the 850 hectares of the national forest of Boscodon, in the Hautes-Alpes, and never returned.

Monday, June 26, a bone and a hiking shoe were found in the huge fir forest, according to information from BFM TV , confirmed at Figaro Wednesday by Me Félix Allary, lawyer for two of the missing. “This is a new element that can prove to be decisive», Admitted the prosecutor of Gap, Florent Crouhy. “These elements were sent to the Criminal Research Institute of the National Gendarmerie to obtain a DNA and to see if it corresponds to one of the missing persons or to another person.», He told BFM.

“If this discovery is not to be taken lightly, it does require some caution”, nuance on his side Me Allary. “A few weeks ago, bones had already been found in this forest but they actually came from animals”, he recalls. Me Allary, who represents the families of Cédric Delahaie and Laurence Klamm – the last two missing – also wishes to recall the importance of continuing research. “You have to go looking for the elements with your teeth,” he insists. This is the only way to solve this riddle, even though there are “hypotheses”. We will not solve these cases with hypotheses ”, emphasizes the lawyer.

SEE ALSO – Age, profile, signs: the criteria for a worrying disappearance

“It’s not so much the tourists who are worried but rather the locals”

If the investigators continue their research, they are indirectly supported by the hikers who roam the thousand-year-old woods of Boscodon on a daily basis; classified “exceptional forest»Since 2018.«Today everyone who will walk there has heard about the story of the missing», observe Me Allary. «In an “ ordinary ” forest, hikers who find a basketball will certainly not call the police, while here they will not fail to do so, hence the importance of publicizing the case.He adds. For several months, the members of the association “The missing of Boscodon” also regularly organize beatings to find their relatives or at least some clues.

In the small village of Crots, located in the heart of the Parpaillon massif, between the Serre-Ponçon lake and the Boscodon forest, a certain psychosis has set in following the disappearances, recognizes Benedikte Bégué, director of Mount Donkey, a hiking center. “Not so long ago, a tourist asked me if it was really there that people disappeared”, she says. And to continue: “In truth, it is not so much the tourists who are worried but rather the locals. Many no longer dare to go to the forest to walk or look for mushrooms!».

In the space of 25 years, six people have disappeared in the Boscodon forest. Four have never been found. They are Monique Thibert (2015), Marie Christine Camus (2016), Cédric Delahaie (2020) and Laurence Klamm (2020). The latter, aged 60, was a “local” woman and skilled walker who regularly followed her husband, a mountain guide.



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