Thomas Schaaf after Werder-Aus sour

Thomas Schaaf has been Technical Director at Werder Bremen since 2018. Now the veteran did not get a new contract after relegation – and is annoyed by the way the club communicates.

Werder Bremen’s coaching legend Thomas Schaaf got upset on his end as technical director of the relegated Bundesliga and above all reacted to the official justification of the association for it. “I’m totally flabbergasted, I can’t understand it at all,” said the 60-year-old on Tuesday the multimedia portal “Deichstube”.

“I am not offended that I did not get a new contract. But I want the facts to be presented correctly and not create the impression that I have some exaggerated and unachievable salary demands.”

“I can’t leave it like that in any way”

Schaaf was a professional from 1978 to 1995 and head coach for Bremen from 1999 to 2013. In this role he also won the championship double with Werder in 2004 DFB-Pokal. In 2018 he returned to his heart club as technical director, responsible for the training of coaches and youth players. On the last day of the season he even took over the Bundesliga team again for 90 minutes. On Monday, Bremen announced that it would not be able to extend Schaaf’s contract after relegation to the first division, mainly for economic reasons.

“I can’t leave it like that in any way. It was part of the conversation Frank Baumann not at all about the financial side, “said Schaaf.” I would have been very open to many things, I know our financial situation. We have long since waived salary and made savings. “He also emphasized:” Yes, I got a good salary. But that is not comparable to similar positions at other clubs. And if I had really wanted the economic aspect, I would not have done it three years ago. I had completely different offers. “



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