Tokyo 2020 | Carolina Marín misses the Olympic Games: she will have to undergo knee surgery

Official statement:

After the evolution followed over the weekend and the tests carried out, it has been confirmed that Carolina Marín suffers a tear of the anterior cruciate ligament and the two menisci of the left knee. Faced with this situation, the Olympic champion will undergo surgery during the week (day pending confirmation) and will begin the recovery process. Thus, you will not be able to participate in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.

Olympic Games Tokyo 2020

Carolina Marín injured her anterior cruciate ligament two months after Tokyo

05/28/2021 AT 13:33

“I want to thank everyone for their support and their messages during these days. This is another blow I must deal with, but have no doubt that I will be back. Despite the fact that the preparation in the last two months had become very difficult, the illusion we had was enormous and we knew that I was going to get to the Olympic Games in the best possible way. It cannot be. I know that I am in the best hands and that I have many people by my side ”, the player has commented.

His coach, Fernando Rivas, has pointed out the following: “It is a very tough situation. Despite the difficulties that had arisen in the preparation of the last two months, we had managed to recover, as we always have. It is something very unfair for her, because her path since the injury in 2019 has been practically heroic. She will be surrounded by her entire team at all times and we will do whatever it takes to get her back to the level she was at ”.

This injury is not related to the one he suffered to his right knee in 2019, considered by his entire team as well as by doctors as “More than surpassed, even already in the same 2019”.

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