A new office elected at the Saint-Philibert dojo in Trégunc – Trégunc

After the interim of a season due to the pandemic, six members were elected last Wednesday within the dojo of Trégunc, with a newcomer, Stéphanie Coutant. The office defined the new organizational chart of the club. Myriam Devaux retains her seat as president and will be responsible for communication. Substitute animator, she is the referent of the youngest judokas. Stéphanie Coutant is the new secretary, and in particular will provide information on administrative files. Stella Debellemanière, former assistant secretary, is appointed treasurer, after having been trained by Réjane Nerriec, who becomes assistant treasurer. Élie Truyol, deputy moderator and Julien Flécher will be the benjamins and adult judo-jujitsu referents. Gaëlle Tomine, former secretary, continues to be the Taïso referent. At the start of the school year, the club will have a fourth discipline: kyudo (traditional Japanese archery), which will be led by Jean-Pierre Pilot-Maréchal.


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