at the opening ceremony no more than a thousand people by invitation. An unknown Covid positive athlete upon arrival in Japan – OA Sport

New problems in the approach to the Tokyo Olympics, and this time to communicate them is the organizing committee. An athlete, who remained unknown across the board (including nationality), was found positive at Covid directly upon arrival in Japan. And that’s not the only point.

In fact, there was also a positivity of five workers operating within the plants that will be tender from 23 July (with something anticipated to 21) next. But that’s not all: all this happens after eight hotel staff members of the Brazilian judo team in Hamamatsu were also found to be positive.

There is another positive test situation, and it has made it into Russia’s 7-a-side rugby team: there is a particular mention of a staff member, and in this way the whole team group ended up in solitary confinement.

If these positivity were confirmed by a new test, the two-week quarantine would be certain. All this while in Japan a substantial negativity towards the Games continues to rage, endorsed by the presence of more than 1000 Covid cases yesterday alone. Meanwhile, at the opening ceremony, only with invitations, there will be no more than a thousand people including VIPs and dignitaries of various kinds.

Photo: LaPresse


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