Basketball, Andrea Zanchi on pole for the bench of Pallacanestro Biella


Andrea Zanchi could be the new head coach of Biella Basketball in the next Serie A2 championship.
After the lack of confirmation of coach Iacopo Squarcina, the company has given a mandate to the new general manager Damiano Olla to identify a figure with experience in the category and eager to get involved with a team that will once again be the youngest of the tournament.
Born in 1964, after the first experiences at Reyer Venezia, he began training at a senior level in the Sangiorgese.
The first important bench came in the 1999/2000 season, when at the helm of Jesi he eliminated Biella (coached by Federico Danna) in the play offs. In 20 seasons between A2 and B he led Novara, Omegna, Osimo, Casalpusterlengo (two seasons with the former rossoblu Carrea), Latina, Recanati, Scafati, Cremona and Piacenza, before becoming head of the youth sector of Montegranaro.

In the Casalpusterlengo experience he “launched” several young players, including Donzelli, Poletti, Spissu, Ricci, Rossato, Vencato and the Cuban Howard Sant-Roos, protagonist in the Euroleague with the Panathinaikos shirt.

GM Damiano Olla is also working on the signing of Andrea Niccolai in the role of second coach and is aiming for the confirmations of Berdini (second year on loan), Vincini, Pollone and Bertetti.

The board of directors scheduled for tomorrow should formalize the new role of Olla and dissolve the reservations on the name of the coaching couple.

The latest news from the Rossoblu market will be on newsstands on Tuesday 13 July on Il Biellese.


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