Europe Girls: perfect start for Les Bleues

The summary

Difficult to do better for a start of the European Championship. The Girls of the France team are direct in the rhythm of the event and they showed today that they were going to be serious candidates for the medals.

Part first, Adéla Cernousek paved the way for her friends on the Montado Golf Resort route. With a card of 70 (-2), the player from Saint-Cloud made a clean copy on this first day. Same score and same story for Vairana Heck second part on the course. She also ticks a good 70 (-2) card with four birdies for two bogeys.

Comes next Ines Archer who had some difficulties this Tuesday. With a score of 74 (+2), she is tonight the only girl from the France team not to return a card under par. Her score was therefore not retained for the day’s total, but there is no doubt that she will be keen to do better in the second round of qualifying on Wednesday. In the afternoon, Maylis Lamoure followed up with another 70 (-2). The France team is going in the right direction on this first day since the last two girls in the group have further improved the total for France.

First Contance Searcht who signs a very good 68 (-4) and then Lilas Pinthier which does the same. The first cited made a colorful clean go of four birdies for no mistakes. On her return, she added two new birdies but sinned twice at 10 and 17. The result: a total of 346 which puts the France Girls team in first position before tomorrow’s second round in stroke play: ” We knew the course well and we were able to take advantage of it. I am not surprised to see this result tonight but there is still some way to go. We have a very good team and I think we can do something this week but we must not get excited, analyzed Constance Fouillet. In any case, playing like that with pleasure makes you want to go even lower for the future. »

It is therefore in front of one of the expected nations, Spain, that France takes the position of the leader tonight at -14. The Spanish are just behind at -13. They are followed by Sweden at -7 and which completes the provisional podium. The barrier to integrate the first flight from Thursday is set for the moment at +17 with the 8th place of Holland.

The eye of the staff: Gwladys Nocera

“A dream start but I find that they are in their place. It’s good, they all did the job, they respected the playing instructions and in the end we came out with a good start to the event. It confirms that our work pays off. For them it is a great reward this first day but it is only the beginning and they know it. “

“We are certainly ahead but we must take all the teams seriously so not to get excited, respect the course, respect the other teams and above all continue to be yourself on the track and have fun as they did on this first round. “

The number

Le post social

Small step back but not too far. Yesterday evening the traditional opening ceremonies were held. Here are some pictures of the four Championships in the four corners of Europe.


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