European Champions Cup Baseball, fourth day report – Parma Clima in the final against the Bonn Capitals (GER)


It’s a party for the ducals: Parma Clima beat UnipolSai Fortitudo Bologna 5-4 at the end of a game full of emotions. The derby of the “Via Emilia” therefore gives the first finalist of the Champions Cup. Guido Poma’s Parma will now have to deal with the Bonn Capitals



Results July 16:

L&D Amsterdam Pirates – Rouen Huskies 15-1 (7°)

UnipolSai Fortitudo BolognaParma Climate 3-5 (semifinal)

Bonn Capitals – Curaçao Neptunus 8-7 (semifinal)

Heidenheim Heidekoepfe – SKSB Ostrava Arrows 11-3

Program July 17th:

  1. 10.30

Rouen Huskies – Heidenheim Heidekoepfe

  1. 15

UnipolSai Fortitudo Bologna – Curaçao Neptunus (3rd place final)

  1. 19.30

Parma Clima – Bonn Capitals (gold final)

Stock photo (by Lauro Bassani / PhotoBass): A swing by Cesare Astorri (Parma Clima)



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