From Fiumicino to Tokyo: tomorrow in flight fencing, archery and dressage

Rome – Continue on stream of athletes traveling per Tokyo 2020. On Thursday 15 July with the Alitalia flight they will meet again at Fiumicino terminal 3 29 members of the Italian delegation. The Italian head of mission and general secretary of Coni Carlo Mornati will also leave with them.

Fencing is the largest delegation. After the departure of the saber group, on July 9th, this is the turn of the male and female sword and foil groups. Led by the head of the delegation Maurizio Randazzo together with the weapons managers: Sandro Cuomo (sword) e Andrea Cipressa (foil), there will also be, in addition to the three holders plus reserve, two fencers and two fencers for each weapon who will have the task of carrying out the training bouts in view of the competitions that will be held from 24 July to 1 August at the fair “Makuhari Messe Hall” in the city of Chiba on the arm of land that closes the Tokyo bay.

With the swordsmen Rossella Fiamingo, Federica Isola, Mara Navarria, Alberta Santuccio I am leaving therefore also Alice Clerici and Nicol Foietta while Marco Fichera, Enrico Garozzo, Andrea Santarelli e Gabriele Cimini will be assisted by Davide Di Veroli and Federico Vismara.

The blue of foil Martina Batini, Arianna Errigo, Alice Volpi, Erica Cipressa they also count on the contribution of Camilla Mancini and Beatrice Monaco, while Andrea Cassarà, Alessio Foconi, Daniele Garozzo and Giorgio Avola they will train together with Guillaume Bianchi and Tommaso Marini.

The team of acre shot, composed by Lucilla Boari, Tatiana Andreoli, Chiara Rebagliati will fly to the Games, in the company of Mauro Nespoli, the only blue to win the qualification, with the two coaches Matteo Bisiani and Natalia Vaaleva. The competitions to be held at Yumenoshima Park Archery Field will begin on the 23rd and end on July 31st. Yumenoshima, literally “Island of Dreams”, is a real artificial island located in Tokyo Bay.

Francesco Zaza, a member of the Italia Dressage Team, is the first of the Italian riders to leave for Tokyo after successfully completing the quarantine period in Aachen in Germany.

On the other hand, her race partner is already flying towards the Japanese capital: Wispering Romance, 18-year-old bay hanoverana female. Departing from Liège (Belgium) in the early hours of today, Wednesday 14 July, Wispering Romance will arrive in Japan after a technical stop in Dubai to allow the Boeing 777 Cargo on which all the horses travel to refuel.

Per horses the intercontinental one is really a “five star” trip. After a short wait on the ground in comfortable boxes in Liège, the samples are loaded in pairs in large boxes (as if they were small two-seater vans specially built for their air transport) which are loaded through the lifting platforms of the Cargo System. on the aircraft, arranged and secured in two rows along the pressurized fuselage.

The caissons have openings in the front and in the back to ensure normal air recirculation and the fuselage temperature is pre-established and adequate in agreement between the aircraft captain and veterinarians.

During the journey the horses, not at all bothered by take-off and landing (which take place on very long tracks, therefore without an excessive angle of inclination), have water and hay always available and consume two meals of feed as if they were in the stable.

The exclusive passengers they are continuously monitored by expert staff, by grooms and veterinarians, who accompany them to ensure their well-being throughout the flight. Once ashore in Tokyo, all the horses are inspected and visited before boarding the vans which after 45 minutes of travel, this time by road, will take them to the luxurious stables of Tokyo’s Equestrian Park, home of the Summer Olympic Games. (

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