Is judo fighting practical? Is it effective in actual combat? _酷生活网

Judo, actual combatSharp?

Judo is to give up percussive skills,importantRely on wrestling and strangulation techniques. The technical terms are called throwing technique, bed technique and solid technique.Sanda is in recent yearsDomesticComprehensive traditional martial arts, combining four kinds of kick, beat, and wrestlingskillCreated by competitive martial arts.judoexaggerateSkills, brute force is not advocated.StressFour or two transfers a thousand catties.Casting skills are very powerful, putadversaryAfter falling to the ground, it can cause visceral shock.andStrangulation technique, which is ground sleeping technique, isWorldFirst.if you wantFightIn fact, the actual combat effect of judo is very good.due toThere are not many punches and kicks in daily life,fundamentalIt’s all fighting together.This is exactly what judoStrong

judoFightIs it practical? It feels better than free combatexactlyIt’s different if you hit someone’s family or you can hit you in judo. Can you say that it is a move to control the enemy?

Judo talk,necessaryIt takes a long time to practice one move to control the enemy,andTo practice from an early age, free fighting and Sanda are the highest in actual combat.right nowIn actual combat and street fighting, the best in actual combat is Sanda and Muay Thai, but Muay Thai requires too much physical fitness and must be resistant.So, Better fight

Practiced judo, judoFightPracticality?

Judo can hit ordinary people, but what are you doing against ordinary people? Judo is useless to beat gangsters,due toGangsters are not empty-handed, they always takethingYes, empty-handed judo can onlyPerfunctoryThe empty-handed person, to the person holding the knife and stickAlmostHelpless. If you want to defend yourself against gangsters, Handan Xuanfengquan is the most practical.

CorrectordinaryFor lovers of boxing, judo and generalfight(MMA) Which of these is more practical?

They are all practical, which one to look atappropriateYou (see which one you like).A good boxing practice can make judo unable to enter the body; a good judo practice can also make boxing useless; all aspects of mmaskillAll, well practiced very hard, well practicedNot goodSloppy in every respect.

SoSee you like it.And youappropriateWhich one, for example some peoplespecialGood at throwing, some are particularly badGood atfall.

People who practice wrestling and judo, in actual combat (StreetUnlimited Strike Life and Death) Is it practical?

Current society,peacefulFirst, the so-called gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall,sureTo avoid putting yourself inhurtAmong them, once you find any danger, you must avoid it in advance.Those top bodyguards, the mostGood atIs to kill the dangerSproutstatus.

ifIf you are in danger, you must be good at using itAll aroundEverything in, can’t just be bare-handed, the lethality of bare-handed is limited, unless it is a professional fighter,otherwiseNever compare to the one with equipmentadversary.Even an elderly woman with a knife in her hand is veryhurt, This is why our countryTube bundleThe reason for the knife is also why the traditional martial artsRespectThe reason for the weapon.

Jackie Chan’smovieIn, have always been good at usingallAvailable appliances, this is a role model.

ifReally entangled with the opponent, thentrainingThose who wrestle or judo will be very lethal.actualCompletely different from the ring, fightContestIn many cases, athletes fell down and got up immediately. UFCFall down, Just for subsequent ground strikes, andactualThe ground in the middle is very hard, the terrainhuge, Basically, people lose their combat effectiveness after a fall.

The reason why Chinese wrestlingFamous, Because the technique is changeable.verylightCan throw people into a spat, theyExerciseThere must be a cushion whenotherwiseAny wrestling actionprobablyCause killing.

Which is more practical, judo or boxing?

Both are goodSharp.Boxing is more practical and convenienttraining. Generally, fights are not held in arms.Judo is veryhurt, If you encounter judo, you mustalert, He is not like the upstairs said: yieldingaction, Will not hurt himCatchThen it depends on his mood, kill you and himprobablyDare not. But he can easily fracture and dislocate you. (All hands)

Sanda wrestling, wrestling, judo.WhoStreetpractical?

Judo’s wrestling is like making a circle, and Sanshou’s wrestling is like a prying man. One is centrifugal force and the other is lever.Judo is based on throwing skills, Sanda is based on blows, but Sanda’s wrestling methodBi LiPractical, no judoabilityThe requirements are so high.Jiu-Jitsu does not seek KitKat, but seeksExquisite.Between gestures, slender and soft, rigid and soft, combined with static and jiu-jitsu, as acrobaticsFamily membersOne of the traditional projects in China, Chinese Jiu-Jitsu, is famous for its thrills, dangers, strangeness and beauty.Before 2000 ADstaleIndia, entered Japan through China, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu originated from the samuraiGrowJapanese Jiu-Jitsu has a lot offightTechniques, including hitting, throwing, articulating and strangling techniques.


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