José Antonio García and José Juan Comín, winners of the ‘Vercu’ summer Golf Tournament

Despite the fact that since May 8, 2021, the new normal has finally returned to our daily lives, it should not be forgotten that in recent weeks we have seen that new “normal” truncated, due to the increase in new infections and a reduction in compliance with restrictions that were imposed on us in their day, to try to control this pandemic.

Well, one of the optimal, unbeatable and insurmountable sports activities to overcome that fear that we have today of doing physical activity in a safe environment, is golf. And its incredible benefit comes mainly from being a sport that is practiced outdoors in direct contact with nature, it is a complete physical activity with low impact, it favors physical and mental health, it contributes to strengthening personal relationships, and it helps to stay focused in an environment in continuous symbiosis with nature, and with a camaraderie unmatched in any other sport.

For a few months now, the enormous work that is being carried out by the Management of the Cuenca Golf Club (Villar de Olalla), the Vereda golf club (Villalba de la Sierra) and the Cuenca golf delegation, to promote golf in the province is
bearing its fruits. So much so that for a few weeks it has been getting more than 70 athletes from the capital of Cuenca to meet in the open air, every Sunday, at the Villar de Olalla golf course, which makes this sport one of the the most practiced in this second so atypical summer.

More specifically this weekend the summer tournament “Vercu” was held, where at 8:30 am the players were summoned, to share an unbeatable morning for the practice of golf. After the completion of the round, 24 of the participants managed to lower the par on the course, an example of the great level that Cuenca golf is taking in recent months (champions of Spain, rankings among the first national circuits, etc.)

Congratulations to the winners of the different categories, which in this case were, in the first category, José Antonio García de la Fuente with a magnificent result of 43 points in stableford mode, and in the second category José Juan Comín Perez, with a brilliant result of 44 points.


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