Roberta Chyurlia from Taranto, referee of judo at the Tokyo Olympics

Tarantino lawyer Roberta Chyurlia will be a judo referee at the Tokyo Olympic Games. She is the first Italian female judo referee to be called up for the Olympic Games, thus joining the ranks of the sixteen best referees in this sport from all over the world!

This result comes to crown a prestigious path that has seen forty-one Roberta Chyurlia recently win, for two consecutive editions, the European Judo Federation award as the best female referee in Europe.

An important moment also for the Ionian forensic category which, in fact, wanted to celebrate it with a simple meeting, held at the Council Room of the Bar Association, to greet colleague Roberta Chyurlia leaving for Tokyo.

To welcome the criminal lawyer Roberta Chyurlia there were the president Fedele Moretti, the vice president Antoniovito Altamura, the treasurer Francesco Tenzia and the advisers Fabrizio Todaro, Adriano De Franco and Vincenzo Monteforte, the latter also a sports referee. The referee / lawyer was accompanied by his mother Erminia Zonno and his father Tonino Chyurlia, a “historic” figure in the Tarantino judo, an instructor who has trained generations of athletes from Taranto and himself a referee at the Sydney and Atlanta Olympics.


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