The TSJC endorses the urban modification of the Espai Barça

The new Espai Barça will have the largest stadium in all of Europe

The contentious-administrative chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) has dismissed the appeals of the Federation of Neighborhood Associations of Barcelona (FAVB) and the CUP against the urban plan that to approve the Espai Barça, around the Camp Nou. In this way, the court endorses the modification of the Metropolitan General Plan approved in May 2018 by the City Council and the Generalitat. Both the residents and the cupaires wanted the cancellation of the plan, considering that it goes against the interests of the city and favors FC Barcelona to allow an increase in the construction and transformation of theoretically green spaces and sports facilities. in spaces for the club. In addition, they also alleged defects in form in the processing of the urban modification.

The sentence obliges the CUP and the FAVB a pay procedural costs, and can be appealed to the Supreme Court.

The CUP: “It’s bad news”

In a statement, the CUP Barcelona has lamented the resolution of the TSJC. as he has considered it bad news especially for the neighborhood of Les Corts. The cupbearers consider that the Espai Barça “is still a speculative project” and reiterate the grievances for the neighborhood. “We cannot accept a Barça space that aims to cut more than 14,000 m2 for sports facilities in the neighborhood of Les Corts and use them for commercial and hotel uses,” they say.

According to anti-capitalists, the project it does not respond to the mobility needs of the neighborhood and does not rethink the situation of “collapse” that they claim is created in their environment.

In the same statement, they call on the municipal government to self-criticize to put “red carpet” on private interests. “No entity, no matter how linked to the city, can benefit from urban privileges to speculate and obtain large revenues,” they remark.

On the other hand, they also address the new Barça board headed by Joan Laporta and urge him to rethink the project to make it “viable, inclusive, respectful and consensual” with the neighborhood of Les Corts.

The CUP will study in the coming days the possibility of appealing or not the decision to higher instances.



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