Tokyo 2020 | Whitewater: Absolute excitement for the silver of Chourraut

The Atlético San Sebastián club, in Donosti, experienced Maialen’s silver with emotion. / Beñat Arnaiz

Fifty hundred fans, members and athletes of the Club Atlético San Sebastián have lived the test of their most successful member

Fifty hundred fans, members and athletes of the Club Atlético San Sebastián gathered this morning at its headquarters on La Concha beach to cheer and celebrate Maialen Chourraut’s silver medal at the Tokyo Olympic Games.

Through a projector owned by Maialen Chourraut and Xabi Etxaniz themselves, children, youth, parents and adults have vibrated with the excellent descent that lasarteoriatarra has completed.

When silence has come out, it has reigned and with the passage of the doors the applause, timid at the beginning, has increased until the final sprint, which has been thunderous to push Chourraut.

By the time the medal was confirmed, the hugs followed one another and the explosion of joy was spectacular.



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