Xavi: «The environment of the national team is complicated and more so with a coach who does not have Madrid players»

Former Spanish international Xavi Hernández. / EFE

Euro 2020/21

The ex-footballer of Barcelona and the national team values ​​the performance of Spain in the European Championship

EP Madrid

Friday 2 July 2021, 10:39

The former Spanish international
Xavi Hernandez, current Al-Sadd coach, highlighted the merit of the Spanish team in the Eurocup for
«Complicated» which is the «environment» of the national team, especially “with a coach, Luis Enrique Martínez, who does not have Real Madrid players.”

“We also live it, the environment in Spain is very critical, there is a lot of demand and it is a shame because neither in the press nor the press is formed with the team. It is difficult and that is why it is more difficult in Spain to win titles. We achieve it with our generation but it is not easy “, said Xavi Hernández in statements to ‘Vamos’.

«The environment is complicated. And more with a coach who does not have Real Madrid players with the Madrid environment that is the selection. In the end you have to accept the criticism, evade a bit and focus on the game. They are doing very well and are already in the quarterfinals, “he said about the performance of the national team, which faces Switzerland this Friday (6:00 pm).

On other issues, Xavi praised Pedri’s role. «His age is especially surprising, at 18 he has that maturity and they mark differences in Barça and in the national team … you can see that he is an intelligent player, with a lot of capacity to think, in one against one. It is a talent and you have to take care of it and enjoy it, “he said.

Finally, Xavi has no doubts that Messi will continue to wear Blaugrana next season. «Barça needs Messi and Messi needs Barça. We are going to see how the situation is, but I see Leo happy in Barcelona and everything indicates that he is going to renew. I hope it is shortly and I wish you all the best. In the end they will agree and I imagine that its renewal will be announced in a few days, “he said.



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