Breaking sports news: Schroeder statement from Gilbert Arenas! Until 2025…

Schroeder turned down an $84 million extension offer from the Lakers because he believed he could find a $100 million contract during his free agency period, and after failing to find the contract he wanted this summer, he signed a $5.9 million contract with the Celtics.

Arenas said he believes Schroeder’s not accepting the offer “will eat away at him” unless he signs a deal that earns him $84 million “at the same time” as the offer offered by the Lakers.

If he doesn’t get the money back in the same time frame, it will eat him up. He would receive 84 million on a four-year deal, meaning he would earn a total of 84 million starting at 19 million in the first year by the summer of 2025. So this season, $13 million will be in. So to reach the same amount, he will need to sign a contract starting at $32 million next summer. Whatever contract he signs, if he doesn’t reach 84 million by the end of the 2024-25 season, it will eat him up.



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