Cyclist Alexandre Lurée wins gold at Tokyo Paralympic Games

Published on : 26/08/2021 – 09:21Modified : 26/08/2021 – 11:22

A first gold medal for the French team at the Tokyo Paralympic Games: the cyclist Alexandre Léauté won it in track pursuit Thursday, August 26, an individual pursuit. It is also the first medal at the Games for the 20-year-old who has not wasted his time since he started cycling six years ago.

With our special correspondent in Tokyo, Eric Chaurin

Alexander’s parents were not immediately aware that their first child had suffered a stroke at birth. When he was three years old, his right fist was always closed, he never put his right heel on the ground: an MRI will reveal brain lesions leading to hemiplegia on the right side from which he himself admits to never having really suffered, despite some mockery at school.

« I am very happy and I do not realize »

Son of a good level amateur cyclist, Alexandre has always dreamed of cycling. But his daddy wanting to protect him from his handicap, it was only at 14 that he started seriously after playing football with his friends.

Alexander’s progress is dazzling. He won five world titles in the space of three years, road and track combined, before his first Paralympic Games in Tokyo, and this first gold medal in pursuit Thursday, August 26: he then twice beat his world record on the Izu velodrome, where he let his joy burst out after his victory.

« I am very happy and I don’t realize what is happening to me, it’s amazing. It’s the hard work that pays off and I think of all the people who have worked for me. I hope they are proud. I was determined and it’s also thanks to them », Says the medalist of the day.

He returns to competition on Friday August 27 in the kilometer race, of which he is the reigning world champion.

On Wednesday the French delegation had already won two medals: cyclist Marie Patouillet won bronze, and swimmer Ugo Didier, silver.

Read also: Paralympic Games 2021: a team of refugees to raise awareness of the planet



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