Guangxi News | Red Apple Education Group and Huameng Star (Yulin) Children’s Basketball Club Signed and Listed_Wu Kezong

Original title: Guangxi News | Red Apple Education Group and Huameng Star (Yulin) Children’s Basketball Club Signed and Listed

(Reporting by Wu Weijian and Zhong Yaoyu) On August 1, the Red Apple Boy Scouts and Red Apple Education Group joined hands with Huameng Star (Yulin) Children’s Basketball Club to sign and unveil the signing ceremony. Liang Dong, general manager of Huameng Star (Yulin) Children’s Basketball Club, Red Apple Boy Scouts founder, Red Apple Education Group chairman and general director Wu Kezong, and nearly 100 representatives of the directors and teachers of 6 kindergartens under Red Apple Education Group attended the event. The ceremony.

At the event site, under the witness of the guests, all teachers and coaches, Chairman Wu Kezong and General Manager Liang Dong jointly signed and unveiled the cooperation project for children’s basketball.

In an interview with the media, Wu Keizong, the founder of Red Apple Boy Scout, chairman of the Red Apple Education Group and general director, said that in order to stimulate children’s interest in participating in sports, promote the coordinated development of children’s movements, and enhance children’s physical fitness. Demonstrating the Red Apple’s “Happy Sports and Healthy Growth” characteristics of running the garden, and joining hands with Huameng Star Yulin Children’s Basketball Club to open basketball sports education courses, both parties will actively explore the content, form, approach, environment, etc. suitable for children’s basketball activities, and guide the children to understand Basketball, and gradually fell in love with this sport. At the same time, the six kindergartens under the Red Apple Education Group will also take this opportunity to further strengthen education and teaching management, and further deepen the reform of education and teaching, so that basketball can be popularized in all kindergartens, so that every child can benefit from basketball.

Filming report: Wu Weijian Zhong Yaoyu

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