Hail like baseball (PHOTOS): cars and crops destroyed in Friuli

PORDENONE. The Northern Italy in the vice of the bad weather: in addition to Trentino (Here Article) and Veneto (Here Article) le perturbations of the last few hours have hit heavily also the Friuli Venezia Giulia, dove this morning (August 1) at dawn they fell grains from large hail come balls gives baseball.

The fury of the storm front she went wild with exceptional intensity in particular a Pordenone, where am I many damages reported ad cars, photovoltaic panels on roofs e crops. Most of the problems occurred in the territory of the Dextract Tagliamento.

THE PHOTOS. In Friuli hailstones like baseball balls: images of the affected areas

Throughout the area they have been reported serious damage Everyone crops. To be struck by violence of the storm phenomena also the common from Veneto River, in particular the fraction from Bannia. “I sent to the President of the Regional Council Massimiliano Fedriga – wrote on Facebook the mayor of Fiume Veneto Jessica Canton – a note to underline what happened and damage consequent “. The request is to be able to take into consideration the fielding of “all instruments who will feel appropriate, in order to hold up families ed companies who woke up on this first Sunday in August with collected e assets irretrievably compromises”.

The first town tells of a thunderstorm lasted about half an hour, with hailstones which would have even reached i ten centimeters from diameter: “Has destroyed crops, broken through tents e stained glass windows, including many photovoltaic panels, e destroyed cars”.


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