LOH 2021 Tokyo | Water polo player Faměra took fourth place at the Olympic Games with Spain

Strakonice water polo player Martin Faměra in Tokyo did not reach the Olympic medal in the Spanish jersey. The reigning world vice-champions lost to Hungary in a bronze duel 5: 9 and closed the Olympic performance after winning the six-match line-up in the basic group and closed the quarterfinals with two defeats.

Mark Humphrey, ČTK / AP

Faměra, who after a six-year engagement in Barcelona also won a Spanish passport last spring, entered the match for third place again in the basic line-up. After the first two quarters, the teams kept a balanced score, but in the second half the Spaniards did not score, while the opponents added four more goals.

Hungary, which is the most successful national team in the water pole with nine Olympic titles, returned to the medal standings under Beijing for five years for the first time since Beijing 2008. In London and Rio de Janeiro, the Hungarians finished in fifth place.

Defenders of the title from Serbia and Greece will compete for gold medals in Tokyo from 9:30.



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