Mbappé has definitely chosen Madrid, Real resigned for this summer?

Zapping Our Mondial Top 10: players at the end of their contract in La Liga

Kylian Mbappé seems to have made his choice. And it is very clear. The Parisian striker chose Real Madrid if one believes RTL and its journalist Philippe Sanfourche. “Things are clear in the mind of the player. He wants to go to Real Madrid. He wants to be at the center of the project for the next 5-10 years. It is his will. The question is when. If things have to move before the end of the Mercato, it will come from Real Madrid. Mbappé cannot afford to go to the front. He knows he has to stay blameless. It’s very clear in his head. He knows he has both of these options. The trend is for him to stay at PSG this season. He’s happy in Paris, that’s not the problem. But when he projects himself at 4-5 years old, he sees himself in another project. He is in the will to discover something else. “

Only, it now seems just as clear that PSG, after having managed the huge Messi blow, is not going to shoot himself in the foot by letting his French prodigy go in stride, and this despite a thorny contractual situation .

A transfer deemed almost impossible

And obviously, on the side of Real Madrid, we would have understood. Cadena Cope journalist Paco Gonzalez has indeed revealed the resignation of the Merengue club, which would now consider the transfer of Mbappé this summer to be almost impossible. Qatar refusing to open any door, no official offer would be made from the Merengue club, which will therefore wait patiently for 2022 to tackle Mbappé. An observation also just as clear for Erling Haaland, the other offensive track which would be financially out of reach for the moment.

to summarize

Kylian Mbappé seems to have very clearly chosen Real Madrid to take up a challenge other than the capital club. On the side of the Merengue club, we would nevertheless be well aware that PSG will not open the door in any way this summer.


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