Perusic is rolling with Schweiner again. They defeated the European champions and are in the quarterfinals

Beach volleyball players Ondřej Perušič and David Schweiner are in the quarterfinals of the European Championships. In today’s round of 16 in Vienna, they clearly defeated former continental champions Aleksandrs Samoilovs and Janis Šmedinš from Latvia.

Perusic and Schweiner won the third match at the European Championship after the Olympic tournament, where their ambitions were destroyed by Perusic’s positive test for coronavirus.

From the beginning, they succeeded against defending Samoilovs and Šmedinš on the net and in the field, which they were able to turn into point attacks. Thanks to that, they quickly bounced back to 9: 4 and won the first set to 21:14 to the delight of a noisy group of Czech fans.

The second set was leveled to 10:10. But then the Czech pair, who is second in the tournament, started to take office again on the field. Latvians Perušič and Schweiner allowed only three more points and have a certain minimum divided fifth place.

On Saturday, the Dutch pair Stefan Boermans, Yorick de Groot, who won the four-star World Circuit Tournament in Gstaad in July, will compete for promotion to the medals. In May in Sochi, the Dutch pair Perušič and Schweiner were defeated in two balanced sets.

On the other hand, Barbora Hermannová and Maria Sára Štochlová said goodbye to the tournament in the round of 16. The favored Latvian duo Anastasija Kravčenoková, Tina Graudinová, the fourth pair of the Olympic Games, lost to 17:21, 18:21 and took a tied ninth place.

Hermannová and Štochlová, who jumped by Markéta Nausch Sluková at her side, who is also recovering from a positive Olympic test for covid, left the championship with a balance of two wins and two defeats.

In Thursday’s first round of the playoffs, the five seeded beat the second Czech team, also playing in an improvised line-up of Michala Kvapilová and Martina Williams.

The first set of the eight-final duel was long balanced with a maximum of two-point lead on one or the other side, but from 15:15 the Czechs gained only two points.

At the beginning of the second set, Hermann and Štochlová wasted 6: 3, from the score of 8: 7 they collected four points in a row and since then they have only been catching up against the fourth pair.

“There was definitely a chance to surprise, it was a balanced match and a few unnecessary mistakes or decisions were made on our part,” Hermann said, reprimanding herself for several corrupt services.

“We gave a brave performance and I think the Latvian girls will be a long way from this tournament. So we can be satisfied with what we did here after two joint trainings,” she continued.

She also took ninth place and praised the performance of the substitute for her usual partner, 22-year-old Štochlová. “Fortunately, I had a young, promising and talented Maruška next to me, who took her role very boldly, and I must give her great praise for not being afraid of it,” Hermann said.

“I’m happy with the ninth place only because it seemed that I wouldn’t even look here at all. We would take it before the tournament,” she added.

European Beach Volleyball Championship in Vienna:

Men’s Round of 16: Perušič, Schweiner (2-ČR) – Samoilovs, Šmedinš (14-Lot.) 2: 0 (14, 13).

Women’s Round of 16: Kravčenoková, Graudinová (4-Lot.) – Hermannová, Štochlová (5-ČR) 2: 0 (17, 18).



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