The ability to run the game is comprehensively tested, the World China Games Test Contest Summary Meeting Held

Yesterday afternoon, the Jinjiang 2020 World Games Test Competition (15 major events in July) work summary meeting was held at the resident of the China World Games Executive Committee Office. The various departments of the World China Games Executive Committee Office conducted a review of the work situation and existing problems during the test competition. Sort out the summary. Jinjiang City leaders Pan Ziliang and Chen Chuanfang attended the meeting.

Pan Ziliang, director of the China World Games Executive Committee Office, requested that all work departments and competition committees should do a good job in summarizing the work of the test competition, do a good job in the maintenance of the World China Games venues and competition equipment, strengthen communication and coordination, and further refine the plan. Prepare emergency plans in all aspects and advance the preparatory work for China World Games as planned.

It is reported that the test competition is an important part of the preparation and organization of the Jinjiang 2020 World Games. In accordance with the requirements of the International Federation of Sports Federations and the conventions of large-scale comprehensive competitions, a test competition of 18 competition events will be organized from May to July 2021. Among them, three test competitions for swimming, table tennis, and track and field were held in May, and 15 test competitions for football, badminton, etc. were held in July. The ability to run the competition was comprehensively tested and the expected results were achieved.

(Reporter Liu Zeyu)

Original title: The ability to run the competition is comprehensively tested

Editor in charge: Ling Qinli



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