Training start at the BG Göttingen: Head coach Moors is satisfied with the mood and mentality

They have moved into their apartments, the medical check-up with the team doctors behind them, a team dinner to get to know each other, have breakfast together every day, have completed a media day with a photo shoot and have now completed their first training units: the BG Bundesliga basketball players Goettingen. On Tuesday, the mandatory meeting with media representatives was on the program every season – after an afternoon training session.


“There are nice guys there”

“There are nice guys there”, both captain Akeem Vargas and Mathis Mönninghoff agree. You can certainly have a lot of fun with James Dickey. At first glance, the 2.08 meter long Forward is the narrower version of Tai Odiase – and it’s great fun. The two BG veterans have already made that out.

Harper Kamp, who is a German player in the squad for the first time this season, is the oldest player in the Violets at 32 years of age. “I’m happy to be there and very motivated,” says the native American, who sees himself as the coach’s extension on the field and is ready to take on a leadership role.

BG Göttingen: Team presentation on August 10, 2021

It’s too early for head coach Roel Moors to say anything about which player might play a bigger role in the league and among the fans. “After two or three weeks and the first two test matches, I can perhaps judge that more easily,” says the Belgian, who is satisfied with the start of training. The mood and mentality were good in the first three units. “Let’s see if that will still be the case after two weeks,” he says, not without ulterior motives. There are still strenuous training days waiting for his players.

Stephen Brown is getting married before he leaves

The 25-year-old Stephen Brown arrived in Göttingen just a few days after his wedding. He has already taken a look at the city and has identified many restaurants that he would like to try out. He already liked the “Fellini” run by the family of the former BG player Marco Grimaldi. His wife, Rhema, will be there at the end of September and beginning of October. Until then, he will get to know players like Kamar Baldwin and Jeff Roberson even better as teammates. So far he’d only played against her in college.

Two children: That’s why Toolson chooses jersey number “2”

Jake Toolson admits that as a family of four it was not easy to move from the US to Germany. He has moved into an apartment in Geismar with his wife Sarah and their two young children Gus and Rosie. The jetlag has now been overcome and the apartment has been furnished. The Gänseliesel has already been photographed, bought at the weekly market and green spaces and playgrounds scouted out. Göttingen is a beautiful, small city, says the 25-year-old with the braid on his head that he also wore during the photo shoot. That is his trademark and his “good luck charm”. He chose his jersey number “2” because he has two children.

Philipp Hartwich was the longest German player in the entire league last season when he stood on the floor for the Syntainics MBC. For the 2.18-meter man, Weißenfels was the first BBL station that was mixed both personally and from the point of view of the team. The 25-year-old describes Göttingen as the “next step”. “I was really happy that the trainer approached me so early,” said the man from Cologne, who was one of the first signings for the Veilchen team. He likes his new team, they are young and hungry. “Going to Göttingen was a very good decision.”

With Joris Herbst, Max Wüllner and Nick Boakye there are three basketball players from Göttingen as training players. Moors is still looking for one or two other actors. “I need players who are always there,” says the 41-year-old.


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