Vuelle Pesaro greets Lamoli, the balance sheet of Bruno Savignani

The Carpegna Pesaro Ham leaves the Lamoli Oasis and returns to the city where tomorrow he will have the only training before leaving for Croatia for the tournament Liburnia Cup of 1/3 September. Bruno Savignani, assistant to Not Petrovic, takes stock of the preparation of the Vuelle in this first part of the retreat.

Intensity. We worked a lot on the details, on the spacing, on our style of play, especially on defense. The guys are well together and work hard, a good sign for the coaching staff. We will arrive ready for the Super Cup, even if the technical load has not yet been completed, we will do it in these days.

Not Petrovic. We have been working together for almost five years, since he joined the Brazilian national team and we have established a great bond, both on and off the pitch because we share the same way of seeing basketball and we try to pass it on to the players. I’m happy and excited Bruno admits, plus with two Brazilians in the team I feel at home, but not only for their presence: I was very well received by the environment.


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