Before arriving in Boca: the unmissable anecdotes of Luis Vázquez in his beginnings

Oscar Regenhardt, in charge of taking the forward to Xeneize, told unpublished details of his beginnings in the Board of Trustees.

Luis Vazquez go through a sweet moment in Boca since the arrival of Sebastián Battaglia: he scored the winning goal against Patronato and the partial draw against Rosario Central. However, the 20-year-old forward did not have an easy road until reaching this present and Oscar Regenhardt, in charge of taking him to the Xeneize, witnessed it.

El Choclo, who He is also fortunate to have taken Battaglia to the Ribera club, He told two unpublished anecdotes about Vázquez during his youth stage in the Board of Trustees.

One day he rented an apartment with a partner, because before he lived in the boarding house of the Patronato de Paraná. They paid for it, it was a huge effort, because the club did not pay the department. I remember when the father brought him food in a tupper, because they had to cook. They were kids, they weren’t used to living in an apartment. There were neighbors who denounced him for listening to and playing loud music, all those inconveniences, which affected the club, because the complaints fell to the club and the doubts of the leaders began What do we do with this kid? And now? I told the leaders that nothing had to be done, that I was going to be in charge of talking to him. We sit, I explained how the thing was and they had the virtue of understanding. I was 15 or 16 years old “, he began by telling the Choclo in dialogue with Super Deportivo Radio on Radio Villa Trinidad.

Luis Vazquez

“We set schedules for him and everything was sorted out. Even the club could have taken the measure of saying ‘we don’t want this one anymore.’ He knows how important we were at that time to him. I spoke with the father as well. Now that I see him, scoring goals, surely the neighbor will say ‘this was the one who played the loud music’ “, full.

On the other hand, he revealed one of Vázquez’s most frustrating stages in the Pattern: “There was a moment in the Board of Trustees where it was bad for him, he didn’t score goals. It had been five or six games that I could not convert. He always scored goals, but when he didn’t, he got stubborn, lost balls, got angry. When he starts to gesticulate, it is because he is nervous and does not get a. It was complicated and one day he came and asked me that he did not get one, as if wanting to escape from everything and I do not know if it did not occur to him not to continue. I immediately told him: ‘If you think that we are going to set you free because you don’t score goals, you are very wrong! We’re going to bank you to death! ‘. There he calmed down and went to more, more and more. Sometimes a talk is worth much more than a training session. “

Regenhardt’s pride in the successes of Luis Vázquez and Sebastián Battaglia

“Can you imagine if I had played the lottery for Battaglia and Vázquez, I would get two full, I’d be a millionaire, heh. I am not a millionaire in money, but I am a millionaire in other things that are not paid for with anything. Today today I feel a little responsible for what is happening to them in Boca. Having had the chance to have succeeded and shared with these guys, makes me feel like a millionaire at heart. “


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