DJB media meeting in southern Germany – German Judo Association

In contrast to the last events, it was decided this year to only open the DJB media meeting to the press officers and representatives of the state associations due to the corona pandemic and the associated restrictions. They can then pass on the content of the media meeting as multipliers to the clubs.

From September 10-12, 2021, the German Judo Association (DJB) welcomes you to the Sports school Schöneck a small but competent group of representatives of the regional associations interested in the media. Exciting topics of media work are dealt with together and possible future topics are discussed. The focus is on editorial planning and member recruitment through targeted advertising on social media channels, the evaluation of the Olympic coverage and the intensive and open exchange regarding future cooperation.

The journey to Karlsruhe takes place on Friday afternoon. After having dinner together and getting to know each other, the next morning we start straight away. Daniel Rehn, speaker at the DOSB leadership academy, is a proven social media expert and says of himself: “When I’m not sleeping, I’m online. As simple as that”.

With it, the participants will devote themselves in detail to the topic of “recruiting members through social media”. This includes a certain know-how about the platforms, the editorial planning of the content and targeted advertising on the social media channels.

This area will become more and more important in the future. Sports fight for every potential member during and after Corona. But how do you reach sports-loving people? You can generate and measure an enormous reach via social media channels. In contrast to the classic flyer at the bakery around the corner or the poster in the sports hall, you can address specific target groups via social media. The organic reach can also be increased significantly through monetary social media marketing. Some examples from DJB practice are also shown here. Social media advertising as an important means of communication and member acquisition!

On Sunday, after the evaluation of the Olympic reports and a brief outlook for the future, the focus will be on the cooperation between the DJB, the regional associations and the clubs. With the Share-Cloud des DJB and the availability of graphics and other useful files is a first step. In the future, the corresponding content should be directly available here for new PR campaigns. What are other goals for the future? How can cooperation be expanded? Open discussions and intensive brainstorming as a source of ideas for future projects.


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