Hard to reconcile! KG furiously adjusts his seat at the scene, reluctant to sit with Ray Allen_Pierce

Original title: Difficult to reconcile! KG furiously adjusts his seat at the scene and does not want to sit with Ray Allen

News from September 14th, Beijing time, at the 2021 Basketball Hall of Fame incorporation ceremony, Boston Celtics celebrities Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen both appeared on the scene, but unfortunately the two did not smile. hatred.

Celtics fans still find it hard to forgive Ray Allen, who is an important part of the Celtics’ recovery in the late 21st century. In 2007, Danny Ainge brought Ray Allen and Kevin Durant to Boston to form the Big Three with Paul Pierce. In that season, they led the team to the 2008 championship. The Celtics have once again become a strong team in the basketball world and a strong contender. But in 2011, the Celtics Big Three collectively, shockingly, Ray Allen joined the Miami Heat, this team eliminated the Celtics in the Eastern Conference finals in the past two seasons.

The fans were very angry at Ray Allen’s move, thinking it was a huge betrayal. But they are not the only ones who are angry with Ray Allen’s decision. Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce and Rajon Rondo are very frustrated that Ray Allen left them to team up with LeBron James. They met again at the 2021 Hall of Fame initiation ceremony. Ray Allen was the referrer of Chris Bosh, and Kevin Garnett was the referrer of Pierce, but unfortunately there was no warm picture of smiling and enmity. .

It is worth mentioning that Pierce, who was inducted into the Hall of Fame, has posted many videos before, one of which is very interesting. In the video, Ray Allen and Garnett are seated next to each other, which shocked the fans. After all, everyone They are all very aware of the grievances between Ray Allen and Garnett. Although the Hall of Fame intends to make the game, but in the end, the two people still did not sit together, the position between them was very far apart, Garnett sat beside the former Celtics coach Doug Rivers. According to the original arrangement, Garnett was not sitting with Rivers. And Ray Allen sits in Bosh’s group of friends and relatives. Obviously, the two legends were not ready to shake hands and make peace. Garnett was very annoyed when he learned of the seating arrangements at the scene and immediately asked for a seat adjustment.

In fact, Pierce also said in an interview that Garnett and Rondo are very stubborn and are not ready to reconcile with Ray Allen. In 2017, when Garnett participated in a program, he invited the lineup of the 2008 Celtics championship, but Ray Allen was missing. When the Celtics retired Pierce jersey ceremony in 2018, Ray Allen did not appear on the scene either. Last month, Garnett updated IG and forwarded a photo of himself with Rondo, Pierce, and Ray Allen, but deliberately cut Ray Allen, leaving only the other three. This shows that Ray Allen has always been an insoluble knot for Garnett. (Morning)Return to Sohu to see more


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