In Massa the blue archer number one in the world Today the finals to assign the first Italian cup

Cinzia Noziglia opened the two-day event organized at the “Vitali” stadium: 200 athletes from 91 different clubs competing

Alessandro Tabarrani

pulp. She was the very strong athlete at the international level, Cinzia Noziglia, to hoist the Italian flag in the opening ceremony of the first Italian bare bow cup being held at the “Gianpiero Vitali” stadium in Massa.

An event that has found hospitality in the Apuan capital where archers representing 91 companies are battling each other in a discipline that has finally found its springboard baptized by Fitarco, the Italian Archery Federation. A two-day event that started yesterday morning and continued until almost sunset with the phase dedicated to the composition of the elimination rounds in the various categories in the competition (Boys, Students, Juniors, Seniors and Masters). Starting at 9 this morning, the elimination rounds will close until the finalists are defined and the direct clashes will be played for the victory of the overall title.

A top-level event that aims to associate the sporting aspect with the promotion of the territory, organized in detail by the Asd Frecce Apuane, with the support of the Asd Arcieri Fivizzano and Kentron Dard, as well as the support of the Fitarco regional committee. Tuscany.

In fact, the sport of the naked bow boasts many fans and that is why Fitarco has decided to promote this discipline through this first edition of the Italian Cup. Many top level athletes are competing, such as the Azzurri archers returning from recent victories at the Europeans in Slovenia and Croatia. Above all, they arrived on the firing line Eric Esposito and, as mentioned, Cinzia Noziglia, considered the best specialist in the world in this division. In short, today will close an event that it is hoped will become a fixed appointment in the world of archery over the years.

After all, it is a great satisfaction that it was Massa who hosted the first edition of the cup.



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