Inhabitants of Fryslân, Lit Jim Gean! Sign up for sports and exercise activities during ‘De Wike’!

Photo: Archive

HeereNVEEN – Due to Corona, many sports associations saw a decrease in the number of members and we have all started working out less.

That is why Sport Fryslân is organizing ‘De Wike’ from 17 to 26 September 2021. A week in which the sports and movement activities in Fryslân are buzzing. Residents of Friesland, Let Jim Go!

Sports associations in Fryslân open their doors during ‘De Wike’ to introduce residents to sports and exercise on offer. From 17 to 26 September, residents can discover which sport suits them at a sports association in the area. There are activities for all ages and there is plenty to practice: from boot camp in Harlingen to rugby in Gorredijk. Or how about badminton, body fit, dance, running, cheerleading, disco hockey or aerobics? There is undoubtedly something in between.

Curious about what to do in your municipality? Go to Signing up is free and very easy.

‘Now and Tomorrow’

‘De Wike’ is a one-time initiative and is financed from the provincial corona emergency fund ‘No en Moarn’. The campaign is aimed at getting the Frisian inhabitants (again) moving. The unique Frisian club life plays a central role in this.


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