KSC Asahi Judoka succeeds in opening the season in Riesa

After almost a year off from competitions, the Bundesliga season started for KSC ASAHI last Saturday. Away against VFL Riesa, the Lausitz judoka were able to convince with a 6: 8 victory and thanks to a dogged performance by Mariusz Krueger, they started positively in the decisive battle. Only the injury of Paul Schoch overshadowed the great fight of the Lausitzer.

KSC ASAHI Spremberg announced:

The long wait was finally over. After almost a year off from competition, our boys were allowed to play away against VfL Riesa at the season opener of the 1st Judo Bundesliga. The anticipation was great, but so was the tension of all fighters, coaches and officials.

Debutant Darius Röming (20) had the difficult lot to open the day of the fight. After a quick lead, the youngster made some tactical mistakes and had to make the golden score. But there he managed the full Ippon and the 1-0 lead with the first attack. Paul Schoch, who is also only 20 years old, celebrated a sovereign victory on his debut. With a choking technique, Paul increased to 2-0 after less than a minute of fighting time. A little longer but just as confidently increased 60kg athlete Hratschik Latschinian to 3: 0. Vincent Giller and Robert Strohschein then both lost in the Golden Score and gave the Riesaers hope again. Captain Oleg Ilts did not hesitate and ended his encounter after 20 seconds with a brilliant inner thigh throw. The duel in the heavyweight division was decided by Mariusz Krueger after 6 minutes in the golden score and thus made the 5: 2 half-time lead perfect.

When Darius Röming, who this time followed the tactical route in an exemplary manner, increased to 6: 2, all masses seemed to be sung. But when Paul Schoch injured himself so badly in the ensuing duel that he would be out for the rest of the season, the team broke. Visibly shocked, the next three encounters went to the fighters from Riesa and suddenly it was 6: 6. It was then the 22 year old Johannes Limmer who at least once secured the draw with heart and mind. With two Waza – Ari (half points) he ended his fight prematurely. Now it was up to the Polish heavyweight Mariusz Krueger to make the victory perfect in the re-edition of the first round. But his opponent Muhamad Dzhamalutdinow also wanted victory and fought doggedly. As in the first duel between the two, it went into the Golden Score. Mariusz showed great morals and after just 8 minutes was the fighter who simply wanted it the most and brought home the victory to the great cheers of his teammates.

“It was the expected close fight against Riesa. Paul’s injury caused some confusion. We keep our fingers crossed for Paul and hope he will be back in the team soon. ”Said Dirk Meyer, head of the KSC ASAHI club

This weekend the Lusatian boys have to go to the German championship in Hamburg, where the German runner-up SUA Witten will also be guest.

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Build: KSC ASAHI Spremberg



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