“Tino Fraire” is proclaimed champion in municipal basketball sports teams news Parral – El Sol de Parral

The team called 2 and Better, prevailed in the grand final of the 2021 municipal basketball tournament, named “Tino Fraire”, by beating the team Trokas Castañeda in the final match of the second-force category with a final score of 71 points per 59, in actions carried out on the stave of the Municipal Auditorium Gymnasium.

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It should be noted that these two representatives faced the final of the previous tournament, where on that occasion the champion was Trokas Castañeda, but now the result favored 2 and Better, to become the new monarch of the second force.

It should be mentioned that these two combined were the best in the regular role and in the postseason phase, where in the semifinals they left the Deportivo López and Santa Bárbara teams on the way, respectively.

Returning to the final match, the first quarter favored Trokas Castañeda with a score of 15 points by 11, to take the lead, the second was for the now champions 23-20, to go to rest with an even score of 35-24 in favor of Trokas Castañeda.

For the complementary part or the two following periods, the match was presented with greater strength in the paint, favoring the result 19-16 to 2 and Better, to turn the scoreboard 53-51, the last half was the most uneven, where the champions today took it with an advantage of 10 points 18-8, to leave the final result of 71-59 and ultimately win the crown.

For the new monarchs, 2 and Better, they collaborated on the offensive, Jesús López with 16 units, Aarón Vázquez and Eloy Latin with 11 each, for Trokas, José Bastardo scored 32 points and René Hernández helped with 10.

The players who made it possible to win the pennant for 2 and Best were: Leo Arzola, Quirino Baca, Oscar Hernández, Eloy Latín, Emmanuel Galván, Guillermo Quintana, Jesús López, Aarón Vázquez, José Torres and Osvaldo López.

For Trokas, César Castañeda, Rafael Gardea, Arturo Caro, René Hernández, César Castañeda Jr., José Bastardo, Carlos Esparza, Arturo Armendáriz and José “Che” Torres were on the court.

At the end of the meeting, the board of directors held the award ceremony for the two finalist teams, 2 and Best as champion and Trokas Castañeda as runner-up.



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