Top Secret, tomorrow at Cento the Super Cup debut

FERRARA. Tomorrow afternoon, the official debut for the Top Secret of coach Spiro Leka, who will be on stage at the Milwaukee Dinelli Arena in Cento for the first match of the red group of the 2021 Super Cup: in the Cento stadium, which will open to 700 supporters, two-ball at 5 pm.

After many good friendlies, captain Fantoni and teammates are ready for the official debut against a team, that of coach Matteo Mecacci, who added the director Tomassini, the USA James and Barnes, the former Dellosto to the Italian core confirmed last year. and the long Zilli. Tramec is a tough formation, the Top Secret on its own has recovered the young Pianegonda and Filoni and will want to play a vigorous performance, made up of tough defense and offensive chorality.

The keys? As usual, the biancazzurri will have to start from the defensive aspect, improving in the latest outings, and then play well in attack. Although we are still in the pre-season, there is great expectation to see the new Kleb at work in an official appointment. Coach Leka asks his team for a solid and vigorous test, the work done in recent weeks really gives us hope.

In Cento they will direct Tirozzi, Tallon and Saraceni.


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