Werder Bremen supervisory board: Harms attacks Ultras! Hiller moves up!

Bremen – It is an unprecedented event in the history of SV Werder Bremen: After Oliver R. Harms had already been officially put on the list of candidates for the election of the supervisory board, the election committee struck the 53-year-old two days before the general meeting the ballot papers.

This was announced by Peter Eilers, the chairman of the election committee, on Friday afternoon. The impetus for this was provided by a contribution by the ultra group “Infamous Youth”. Applicants Oliver R. Harms it was said to have a political orientation that does not match the values ​​of the SV Werder Bremen would correspond to. In short: the left-wing ultras assume Harm’s right-wing tendencies. Because the club and the election committee subsequently received several pointers pointing in the same direction, Harms was heard again on Thursday evening and the role played backwards on Friday. Harms will no longer be allowed to vote. Moves for him Ulrike Hiller among the seven applicants. With her, for the first time, a woman belongs to the group of candidates for a place in Werder supervisory board.

That this has not already happened with the announcement of the choice admitted applicants was so, the election committee was held as a mistake. However, it can be seen as a far greater omission that the electoral committee is involved in reviewing and hearing the candidates Oliver R. Harms waved through a person who provoked fierce resistance in the vicinity of the club. The umbrella association of Bremen fan clubs distanced itself from Harms’ candidacy. “Infamous Youth” had previously tried to show the applicants’ closeness to right-wing ideas and thus startled everyone. In a message from the association, Eilers now explains: “Due to the media coverage in recent days, in addition to the published allegations, we received further information about the activities of the Candidates from different sources. In the interview, Mr. Harms was unfortunately unable to adequately demonstrate that these doubts that arose about his suitability are completely unfounded. That’s why we decided to remove him from the list. “

Werder Bremen supervisory board election: Oliver R. Harms attacks ultra group “Infamous Youth”

In a statement sent on Thursday evening, Harms attacked the ultra group “Infamous Youth”, calling the fans “snipers who stay hidden”. Another quote: “The cowardly, anonymous authors of the Infamous Youth article defame other people, but consider themselves to be the champions of democracy and diversity, their methods being deeply anti-democratic, intolerant and anti-pluralistic.”

Although he suggests one of “Infamous Youth“To publish in full the email traffic cited as an indication of his allegedly extreme orientation (” Will the house of cards withstand the allegations of the Infamous Youth? “), But Harms expressly refrains from defending himself:” I refuse, myself to undergo a public cleansing ritual and to renounce a ‘conviction’ that strangers imply to me for no reason. ”He was“ not a member of any party ”.

Werder Bremen supervisory board election: Oliver R. Harms suggests a conspiracy against himself

With his own suggestive questions, he steers the topic towards his publicly expressed critical attitude towards the current management. “Could it be that the fear of change is so great that every means has to be used in this hot phase of the election campaign?” Asks Harms. And: “Can it be that Infamous Youth is being instrumentalized and can be harnessed to other interest groups in front of the cart?” Which could that be? Harms does not mention any names. Instead, this question: “Are those responsible now afraid for the mismanagement of the past by the new Supervisory board be held accountable? ” Oliver R. Harms also calls on the Werder management, who is responsible for fan work, to determine the identity of those whom he feels defamed by means of an “unfair campaign”: “This cannot be a big problem. Or are there any beneficiaries of this negative campaign against a candidate who has received a lot of support in the last few days and is still enjoying it? ”It is questions like these that Harms uses to suggest a conspiracy against him without giving any facts.

By deleting his name from the Candidate list Harms no longer has a chance of a place on the supervisory board of SV Werder Bremen. The election committee has averted the danger that the topic will blow up the general meeting on Sunday. The electoral committee could have saved itself the excitement, however, if the communication channels within the committee had worked. Which wasn’t the case. A member had already been informed by Werder President Hubertus Hess-Grunewald in June about the allegations directed against Oliver Harms, but did not pass them on internally. Eilers said: “A crucial point that would have given rise to doubts was received by a member of the election committee, but it did not find its way into our original assessment. We have clarified the reasons for this internally. “

Werder Bremen: Oliver R. Harms contacts the police – Ulrike Hiller moves up

Now the electoral committee expresses its regret about “the circumstances of the decision”, but also makes it clear that there is “no leeway” for “that with a club like Werder Bremen all eligible candidates must stand 100 percent behind the societal, philanthropic attitude of the association. It is also our responsibility to re-examine candidates if there are any concerns. ”That settles the matter for Werder. There could still be legal repercussions. Oliver R. Harms has forwarded the contribution of the “Infamous Youth” to the police – to the “Division 63, politically motivated crimes”, he writes.

Ulrike Hiller, who was noted as the first successor on the original electoral list, is now allowed to stand for election to the members on Sunday. “I’m surprised, but also very pleased,” said the 56-year-old to the DeichStube: “I would be happy if the Supervisory board becomes more diverse through me. “(csa)

For the last message from September 3, 2021 (12.50 p.m.):

Ulrike Hiller replaces Oliver R. Harms: Werder Bremen reacts to allegations against supervisory board candidates

After the Oliver R. Harms scandal, SV Werder Bremen changed the list of candidates for the supervisory board election just two days before the general meeting. Ulrike Hiller moves up as a substitute candidate.

That shared the SV Werder Bremen on Friday with. Against Oliver R. Harms allegations have become public in the past few days that he may represent right-wing political positions and with his views do not correspond to the values ​​of the traditional association. On Thursday, Harms was again heard by the election committee – and has now been removed from the list.

“In the interview, Mr. Harms was unfortunately unable to adequately demonstrate that these doubts that arose about his suitability are completely unfounded. That is why we decided to cross him off the list, ”says Peter Eilers, Chairman of the Honorary Council, in a message from SV Werder Bremen. A note that would have corroborated the doubts about Harms in advance was received by a member of the election committee, but did not find its way into the original assessment. “We clarified the reasons for this internally,” said Eilers.

Supervisory board election at Werder Bremen: Ulrike Hiller replaces Oliver R. Harms on the election list

The committee chairman explains further: “In the discussions on technical suitability with Oliver R. Harms there were no indications that would have excluded a candidacy. However, there is no scope for that at a club like that Werder Bremen all eligible candidates must stand 100 percent behind the societal, philanthropic attitude of the association. It is also our responsibility to re-examine candidates if there are any concerns. We regret the circumstances of the decision for everyone involved. “

Ulrike Hiller, who was previously nominated as a substitute candidate, moves up on the electoral list. Eilers: “It was important to us that our members continue to have the same options and that they have a choice out of seven possible candidates.” That means that there is still a woman on the electoral list. The fact that there was no woman in the original selection also caused criticism. (they have) More information will follow.


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